Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
1. Oil is (light) than water. ________________________________________________________________
2. We shall wait for a (dry) day to go on the excursion. __________________________________________
3. A bus is (fast) than a tram. _______________________________________________________________
4. Take some of these sweets: they are very (nice). They are (nice) than the sweets in that box.
5. He clearly did not like the explanation, and as he listened to it, he became (angry) and (angry).
6. He worked (hard) and (hard) as the end of the term came nearer. _________________________________
7. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California. _______________________________________________
8. Please be (careful) next time and don’t spill the milk again. _____________________________________
9. Bobby was a (quiet) child. He was (quiet) than his sister. _______________________________________
10. Her eyes are (grey) than mine.___________________________________________________________
ЗаданиеВыберите верный вариант ответа.
1. He____________________win. He always does.
a) is going to
2. The train is leaving in ten minutes. I’m afraid we ____________ be late.
b) are going to
3. I don’t think they____________________come tonight.
a) are going to
4. If it gets any colder, it____________________snow.
b) is going to
5. I can’t come with you. I ____________________my grandparents.
a) am going to visit
b) am visiting
6. Don’t worry, Mum. I____________________write to you every day.
b) am going to
7. Believe it or not, but I _______________to skip school any longer.
b) am not going to
8. ______________________be late any more, I promise.
9. What____________________you_____________________this evening?
a) will do
b) are doing
10. I’ve got a lot to do today. My family_____________________by the ten o’clock train.
a) will come
b) is coining
- Тест на степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке
- Пройти тест
- Другие тесты
- Упражнение 1. Напишите форму сравнительной степени
- Упражнение 2. Соотнесите начальную и превосходную формы прилагательных
- Сравнительная степень прилагательных
- Основные правила образования сравнительной степени
- Превосходная степень прилагательных
- Основные правила образования превосходной степени прилагательных
- Примеры предложений с превосходной степенью прилагательных
Тест на степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке
Степени сравнения прилагательных — важная и нужная тема в английском языке. Очень подробно мы познакомились с ней вот здесь: Образование степеней сравнения и вот тут: Конструкции для сравнения. На данной страничке вы сможете проверить себя с помощью теста онлайн. Упражнение состоит из 20 вопросов, в конце вы увидите свои верные и ошибочные ответы.
Кратко напомню правила:
- Односложные и двусложные прилагательные на -y, -ow, -er образуют степени сравнения добавлением окончания -er (сравнительная степень) и -est (превосходная степень): smart — smarter — the smartest (умный — умнее — самый умный).
- Длинные прилагательные от 2х слогов образуют степени сравнения добавлением слов more (сравнительная степень) и most (превосходная степень): important — more important — the most important (важный — более важный — самый важный).
Конечно, есть исключения, например слова: bad, good, many, little. Результат теста на степени сравнения прилагательных вы получите сразу же после прохождения.
Пройти тест
Остались вопросы? Пиши в комментариях!
Другие тесты
Большой тест на артикли
Прилагательное или наречие?
Cтепени сравнения прилагательных
I Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
1. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England.
2. The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.
3. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia?
4. The English Channel is (wide) than the Straits of Gibraltar.
5. Russia is a very (large) country.
6. Which is (large): the United States or Canada?
7. What is the name of the (big) port in the USA?
8. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia.
9. The London underground is the (old) in the world.
10. There is a (great) number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in
other city of Russia.
11. St Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) cities in the world.
1. We should eat (healthy) food.
2. Today the streets aren’t as (clean) as they used to be.
3. It’s the (bad) mistake he has ever made.
4. This man is (tall) than that one.
5. Asia is (large) than Australia.
6. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi.
7. Which building is the (high) in Moscow?
8. Mary is a (good) student than Lucy.
9. The Alps are (high) than the Urals.
10. This garden is the (beautiful) in our town.
11. She speaks Italian (good) than French.
12. Is the word “newspaper” (long) than the word “book”?
13. The Thames is (short) than the Volga.
IV Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
1. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean.
2. Chinese is (difficult) than English.
3. Spanish is (easy) than German.
4. She is not so (busy) as I am.
5. It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday.
6. She is not so (fond) of sports as my brother.
7. Today the weather is (cold) than it was yesterday.
8. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year.
9. January is the (cold) month of the year.
10. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do.
11. Which is the (hot) month of the year?
12. Which is the (beautiful) place in this part of the country?
13. This good-looking girl is the (good) student in our group.
V Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
1. Her eyes are (grey) than mine.
2. He was the (fat) man in the village.
3. As he went on, the box became (heavy) and (heavy).
4. My sister is the (tall) girl in the class.
5. Who is the (attentive) student in your group?
6. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow).
7. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my life.
8. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so
(good) as Nick’s handwriting. Nick has a (good) handwriting than you. And
of course Nellie has the (good) handwriting of all.
9. Oil is (light) than water.
10. We shall wait for a (dry) day to go on the excursion.
11. A bus is (fast) than a tram.
12. Take some of these sweets: they are very nice. They are (nice) than the
sweets in that box.
13. He clearly did not like the explanation, and as he listened to it, he became
(angry) and (angry).
14. He worked (hard) and (hard) as the end of the term came near.
15. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California.
16. Please be (careful) next time and don’t spill the milk again.
17. Bobby was a (quiet) child. He was (quiet) than his sister.
18. My pie is (delicious). Everybody says it’s out of this world!
Сегодня мы отработаем употребление степеней сравнения прилагательных (Comparatives and Superlatives) в английском языке.
В этом уроке 8 разнообразных упражнений с ответами на тренировку сравнительной и превосходной степеней прилагательных. Все ответы вы найдете внизу страницы.
Перед выполнением упражнений будет полезно изучить урок:
Упражнение 1. Напишите форму сравнительной степени
Например: wide –
Упражнение 2. Соотнесите начальную и превосходную формы прилагательных
- Tony is taller than Colin.
- Gold is more expensive than silver.
- It’s more comfortable to go by car then by train.
- I feel better today.
- These shoes are nicer than those ones.
- The movie is worse than the book.
- It was warmer yesterday.
- France is bigger than Great Britain.
- I’m more interested in computers than in art.
- Velvet is softer than denim.
- Marriott is the most expensive hotel in the city.
- The church is the oldest building in the town.
- Excuse me, where’s the nearest pharmacy?
- This is the most boring book I’ve ever read.
- Who is the most popular singer in your country?
- July is the hottest month of the year.
- February is the shortest month of the year.
- Russia is the largest of all countries.
- What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
- Joe is the friendliest / most friendly person I know.
- Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world.
- Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.
- Tokyo is the most populated city in the world.
- The Amazon River is the widest river in the world.
- Yakutsk is the world’s coldest city.
- The cheetah is faster than the brown hare.
- Elephants are stronger than grizzly bears.
- Pufferfish is one of the world’s most dangerous animals.
- Traveling by car is more comfortable than traveling by bus.
- Swimming is more relaxing than running.
- What is the longest river in the world?
- I did better in the test than James.
- I get up earlier than my brother.
- Who is the most intelligent person in your family?
- Which city is more beautiful – Paris or Rome?
- What is the furthest country you’ve visited?
- What is the nearest book store?
- What is the most beautiful city you’ve been to?
- This is the most boring book I’ve read.
- Traveling by plane is faster than traveling by train.
- Vegetables are healthier than fast food.
- A giraffe is taller than an elephant.
- Better late than never.
- Tina is more friendly than Frank.
- What is the worst thing that can happen?
Вам может быть интересно:
В английском языке две степени сравнения прилагательных: сравнительная (Comparative) и превосходная (Superlative). В этом уроке мы разберем, как они образуются и чем отличаются.
Сравнительная степень прилагательных
Сравнительная степень прилагательных используется, когда сравниваются 2 объекта, например:
- Dublin is smaller than London. – Дублин меньше, чем Лондон.
- A rose is more beautiful than a daisy. – Роза красивее маргаритки.
Основные правила образования сравнительной степени
- The more you study, the better marks you’ll get. – Чем больше ты занимаешься, тем лучшие оценки ты получишь.
- How many apples should I buy? The more, the better. – Сколько яблок купить? Чем больше, тем лучше.
- The sooner you come, the better. – Чем скорее ты придешь, тем лучше.
Превосходная степень прилагательных
Превосходная степень прилагательных используется, когда сравниваются 3 и более объектов:
Mike is 170 cm tall. Jack is 175 cm tall. Ken is 180 cm tall.
- Ken is the tallest* of all three. – Кен – самый высокий из всех троих.
- Mike is the shortest* of all three. – Майк – самый низкий из всех троих.
*С превосходной степенью используется артикль the.
Основные правила образования превосходной степени прилагательных
- The Volga river is longer than the Kama. – Река Волга длиннее, чем Кама.
- English is easier to learn than Japanese. – Английский проще выучить, чем японский.
- Today I woke up earlier than yesterday. – Сегодня я проснулся раньше, чем вчера.
- Jill has less books than Kristy. – У Джилл меньше книг, чем у Кристи.
- The nights got shorter and shorter. – Ночи становились короче и короче.
- The summer this year is hotter than last year. – Лето в этом году жарче, чем в прошлом году.
- We need a bigger house. – Нам нужен дом побольше.
- Nina is one year older than Lisa. – Нина на год старше, чем Лиза.
- The Pacific Ocean is deeper than the Atlantic Ocean. – Тихий океан глубже, чем Атлантический.
Примеры предложений с превосходной степенью прилагательных
- It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to. – Это одно из самых крсивых мест, где я когда-либо бывал.
- Harry is the smartest student in my class. – Гарри – самый умный ученик в моем классе.
- Diamond is the most expensive of all gem stones. – Бриллиант – самый дорогой из всех драгоценных камней.
- It was the happiest day of my life. – Это был самый счастливый день в моей жизни.
- Tiramisu is the most delicious dessert. – Тирамису – самый вкусный десерт.
- Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. – Эверест – самая высокая гора в мире.
- Cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. – Гепард – самое быстрое животное в мире.
- Chinese Mandarin is the most difficult language in the world. – Китайский мандарин – самый сложный язык в мире.