When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more) Английский

English uses the definite article, the, in front of some geographical names but not in front of others.

For bodies of water, we frequently add the definite article to rivers, oceans, and seas.

For single mountains, we don’t typically add the definite article. However, for groups of mountains, we do.

You’ll find many examples of these rules below, as well as a list of other geographical features which use the definite article.

    Mountain Ranges

  • the Alps
  • the Andes
  • the Appalachians
  • the Atlas Mountains
  • the Caucasus
  • the Himalayas
  • the Pyrenees
  • the Rockies (the Rocky Mountains)
  • the Urals

    Other Features

  • the equator
  • the Far East
  • the Gobi (desert)
  • the Kalahari (desert)
  • the Middle East
  • the Near East
  • the North Pole
  • the Occident
  • the Orient
  • the Panama Canal
  • the Sahara (desert)
  • the South Pole
  • the Suez Canal
  • the Tropic of Cancer
  • the Tropic of Capricorn

English Level: Upper-Intermediate, Advanced

Language Focus: A review of when to use the definite article with the names of places

Worksheet Download: definite-article-geography-worksheet.docx (scroll down to study the exercises online)

Jump to: Exercises

A proper noun is the unique name of a person, place, or thing that starts with a capital letter, for example, ‘John’, ‘Sweden’, ‘Google’. Before proper nouns, we generally do not use an article. For example,

  • Matthew is a man.
  • He lives in Canada.
  • He worked for IBM.

However, sometimes you can find the definite article » before proper nouns.

  • Carver lives in United States.
  • He lives near Pacific Ocean.

boats on the Pacific Ocean

Boats on the Pacific Ocean

Rule #1: Use the Definite Article ‘The’ with Countries that are States, Unions, Republics, etc.

We use ‘the’ before countries that contain a word like ‘Union’, ‘Emirates’, ‘Kingdom.’ These words mean that the country is a group of smaller states.

  • the United States
  • the Republic of Ireland
  • the Czech Republic
  • the United Arab Emirates

We also use ‘the’ before countries that end in a plural ‘s’.

  • the Philippines (= the full name is The Republic of the Philippines)
  • the Bahamas (= the full name is The Republic of the Bahamas)
  • the Netherlands

Rule #2: Use the Definite Article ‘The’ with Names of Rivers, Seas, Oceans, etc.

  • the Nile / the Nile River
  • the Caspian Sea
  • the Pacific / the Pacific Ocean
  • the Mediterranean / the Mediterranean Sea
  • the Panama Canal

Rule #3: Use the Definite Article ‘The’ with Deserts

  • the Sahara / the Sahara Desert

Rule #4: Do  Use ‘the’ with Lakes or Mounts

  • I live by Lake Ontario.
  • I swam in Lake Superior.
  • He can see Mount Fuji.
  • She can see Mount Rushmore.

Rule #5 — Use the Definite Article ‘The’ with Mountain Ranges

Just like how we add ‘the’ to countries that end with a plural ‘s’ (the Philippines), we add ‘the’ before mountain ranges (which also end in a plural noun).

  • the Rockies / the Rocky Mountains
  • the Himalayas / the Himalayan Mountains 

Rule #6 — Use the Definite Article ‘The’ with Building Names

We usually use ‘the’ before the names of buildings.

  • the Emperor’s Palace
  • the Tower of Pisa
  • the Louvre
  • the Pentagon
  • The Marriott / The Marriott Hotel

This is , however, in some cases:

  • The names of stations: Grand Central Station, Main Station
  • The names of airports: Pearson Airport, Gatwick Airport
  • The names of universities (without ‘of’): Columbia University, Santa Monica College

General Rule: Use the Definite Article ‘The’ with Names that Have the Preposition ‘Of’

  • the Island of Lesbos
  • the University of Toronto
  • the Republic of Congo
  • the Gulf of Mexico
  • proper nouns that contain a word that means they are a group (unions, republics, etc.)
  • deserts (the Mojave)
  • rivers, seas, oceans, etc. (but not lakes!)
  • mountain ranges (the Rockies)
  • building names (the Pentagon)
  • proper nouns that include ‘of’ (the University of Michigan)

Do not use ‘the’ for , which includes

  • lake names (Lake Superior)
  • mounts (Mount Everest)
  • street names (Main Street)
  • airports (JFK Airport)
  • stations (Broadway Station)

After reviewing the above rules, try the practice exercises below.

С названиями географических объектов может использоваться определенный артикль the или нулевой артикль. Рассмотрим все случаи по порядку ⬇️

Когда ставится артикль THE?

Определенный артикль the используется со следующими географическими названиями:

  • полюсов и сторон света
  • некоторых стран и регионов
  • полуостровов и групп островов
  • морей, океанов, рек, групп озер
  • горных цепей и холмов
  • равнин и пустынь

Обратите внимание! Если артикль the не стоит в начале предложения, он пишется с маленькой буквы.

Рассмотрим подробнее каждый случай использования определенного артикля the с географическими объектами ⬇️

Полюса и стороны света

Начнем с самого крупного: с артиклем the употребляются названия полюсов, сторон света и полушарий Земли

Но англичане не смогли и здесь обойтись без исключений: если мы говорим о направлении движения можно использовать артикль , а можно и не использовать! Все просто ⬇️

Если направление указано в предложении сразу после глагола, артикль не нужен

Если направление указано в предложении после глагола с предлогом, мы используем определенный артикль the

Советуем каждый раз проверять в словаре правильное написание и учить все географические названия сразу вместе с артиклями. Тогда мы не оставим ошибкам ни единого шанса 😎

Страны и регионы

Определенный артикль the используется с теми странами, названия которых пишутся во множественном числе

Определенный артикль the ставится с названиями стран, содержащими обозначения административного деления: , , и другие.

Важно запомнить: названия стран в единственном числе и без указания административного деления употребляют без артикля

Названия некоторых регионов Земли также требуют артикля the

Острова и полуострова

Названия архипелагов и групп островов употребляются с артиклем the

Определенный артикль the употребляется с названиями полуостровов, если в них есть слово

Если название состоит только из имени собственного, артикль не нужен. Сравните:

Названия мысов обычно употребляются без артикля, исключение составляет мыс Доброй Надежды ⬇️

Употребление артиклей с географическими названиями — довольно большая тема. Не бойтесь объема и не старайтесь запомнить все правила сразу. Уверенность придет с практикой 😎

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Отдохнули немного? Давайте отправимся к воде!

Водные пространства

С определенным артиклем the употребляются названия океанов, проливов, морей, рек, каналов, течений

Чтобы запомнить географические названия с артиклями, вы можете тренировать слова по карточкам ☝️

Пролив Ла-Манш заслуживает отдельного внимания. Его названия не просто так отличаются.

В русском языке укоренился французский вариант , что в переводе означает . В английском языке используется английское наименование с определенным артиклем the:

Теперь разберемся с озерами 👇

Названия групп озер используются с артиклем

Названия одиночных озер употребляют без артикля

Запомнить эти правила помогут ассоциации. Если мы говорим о движении воды, нам нужен артикль. Названия групп озер представляют собой слова во множественном числе, по аналогии со странами здесь тоже нужен артикль. Одиночные озера стоят в сторонке, совсем одни — даже без артикля.

Артикль the с заливами

В английском языке есть два слова для обозначения залива:

Если в названии залива есть предлог of, необходим артикль the

Если в названии залива нет предлога, артикль не используется

Это основное правило, но мы советуем всегда проверять названия заливов в словаре ☝️

Горы и холмы

Артикль the употребляется с названиями цепей гор и холмов

Здесь речь идет о нескольких объектах внутри одного, и нам важно подчеркнуть, что они составляют единое целое ⬇️

Названия отдельных вершин используют без артикля

Они одни на весь мир, какой смысл добавлять артикль?

Важно понимать, когда речь идет о горной системе, а когда о регионе. В первом случае мы будем использовать артикль, а во втором нет.

Равнины и пустыни

Почти все равнины, пустыни и плато используют с определенным артиклем the

Трудности начинаются, когда мы говорим о долинах. Фактически здесь тоже нужно ставить артикль the, но среди названий долин много исключений. Поэтому всегда проверяйте их в словаре.

Запомните исключения ⬇️

Теперь вы знаете, когда нужно употреблять артикль the с географическими названиями! 🥳

Нулевой артикль

— тот, которого нет. Все просто. Трудности начинаются с его использованием: когда мы ставим определенный артикль, а когда нулевой? Давайте узнаем 😎

Человечество разделило мир на континенты, города и села. Все, что имеет установленные человеком границы, не требует артикля. Запомните:

Мы не используем артикль для континентов, провинций, штатов, сел и почти всех городов

Запомните исключения

Почему эти названия используются с артиклем?

  • — калька с голландского языка, где название города использовалось с артиклем (Den Haag)
  • — сокращенный вариант официального названия the Vatican City State
  • — тоже сокращение официального названия the Democratic Republic of the Congo, которое в свою очередь произошло от реки the Congo River и сохранило артикль.

Обратите внимание! В английскомя языке есть устойчивые выражения the city of / the province of и т.п. Отсюда правило ⬇️

Предлог of всегда приводит с собой артикль the:

Артикли с географическими названиями — непростая тема. И мы гордимся вами! Вы дочитали до самого конца 🥳🥳🥳

Чтобы не забыть правила, сохраните статью на телефоне или в браузере. Возвращайтесь к этой статье, повторяйте правила и всегда проверяйте употребление артикля в словарях. Тогда и в отпуске, и дома вы будете говорить на английском правильно!

Не забудьте поделиться этой страницей в социальных сетях 😉

You got 10 correct out of 10.

^ Yeeeeees !!
THank you Dr.ALeX ^_^

thank you soooooooo Much

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thankyou so much ,you are very kind pepole

thanks so much Alex , you are so kind .

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thank you for this important lesson.

I’v never understand this grammer befor in such a clear way.
Thank you so so much.

It helped! Thank you so much.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

The transcripts of these great classes should exist

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

100You got 10 correct out of 10.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you Alex;)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Dear Alex,
I am a Pharmacist. Actually I live in the USA but I am in back and forth,despite my country where I am very busy in, when I am in the USA I do have a lot of time and I fill mostly my free time with completing my English considering that’Sky’s the limit’.
I owe a big thank you to all your cast, the lessons are useful and personally I learned a lot from this site, you are very polite and you have a down to earth personality which is very appreciable. Good luck for what you are doing and thanks again

Very good lesso , thank you

nice one! new learning! its a necessity to know it..

Did you get my message?

Do we use the on beach like virgia beach or the virginia beach?beach is a part of ocean so acording to the lesson obove we should say ( the virgiia beach)but it sounds very weird.


Thank you for the lesson, I keep improve English, helped for engVid course, and all the teachers, they are fabulous.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more) Evaldo Goncalves Jr

Thanhks Mr.Alex. I like you

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more) lin siew ong

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Interesting topic, instead.

yes i did it

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

That was a piece of cake.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thank mr allex , for your lesson

Thanks Alex, the video are very interesting.

gorgeous Alex ,,,, extremely informative
thanks a bundle xD xD

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hi Alex, I don’t understand one thing about a question in the Quiz. If the Caspian Sea isn’t is a sea, and I knew it, then, why I must say “The” Caspian Sea?
Regards from Tenerife,

Thank you so much Alex! I have know more English now..

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hi Alex, as usual, you are very kind and your lesson is clear. You have helped me a lot! I like your way of teaching. Thank you very much!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

You got 10 correct out of 10.

Good,thank you very much

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you teacher Alex.

It’s very clear so I can understand easily..thank you so much

Thank you, Alex!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

very helpful thanks!!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

tank you for all teachers because lessons are very good

No problem with this lesson.
Only Lakes and waterfalls without the, but why?
That’s English.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

hello DR alex
for this lesson but I don’t understand why you don’t use “the ” in lakes and waterfall I wante to understand the cause of useing and don’t useing ” the” in this words

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

wohoooooooo, I got 100 😀 thanks!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thanks, Alex. very helpful lesson. bye

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more) Daniel C Herculano

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Is there any rule to not use “the” before lakes and waterfalls names?

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

it seems im perfect at this.

thanks for your replay Alex , i want you to make lessons for TOEFL if you can because i am so confused and nervous for the test please try to help me .
have a good day mister

Читайте также:  Английские пословицы и поговорки с переводом и аналогами.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I shouldn’t use “the” before Ontario, should I?

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you very much Alex.
This lesson was very useful because it talked about a very important rule in English.
catch you later.

Thanks Alex you’re a good teacher ,have a great day .

The article’s lesson was useful. I learnt one more thing. Thank you.

It was a lesson of useful. Thanks.

This is “the” exact problems I have for many years and I couldn’t figure it out. I can imagine if I’m master in “the”, then I am confident English writing. Pls, Alex help us to master in the article “the”, this is very very complicated and hard. This is always confused. Please bring more examples and explanation on this topic and help us to clear 100%, and teach us how to improve / master in this topic.

thank you
j’m new

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you for this lesson

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

This is it! an easy and simple way to master English!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

It has always been my weak point, but thanks to your lesson it is clear for me now! Thank YOU, Alex, very much! Best regards!

I’m from Poland. I like THE Baltic Sea 😉

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

hello Alex, I’m new here, I just want say thank you for wonderful lessons

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you all teachers of EngVid, I enjoy your lessons

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thanx for information

tks Mr. Alex, interessting class

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I have a problem with the words who and whom i do not know when to use one of them could you help me please I am waiting for answer

Articles are always very troublesome. We can only build up a little at a time. Whenever I watch engvid I can add some to my English. Thanks endvid and all the teachers and staff. Happy holidays.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thank you for your teaching. very useful for me.

You got 10 correct out of 10.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I looked for anything that relates “Can’t help” in grammar section but didn’t find anything
My groupmates and I were discussing how to use “can’t help” with gerunds and infinitives.
While browsing the web, I’ve mostly encountered the gerund usage.
However, I happen to see a discussion thread from one website stating infinitive uses.

I need help with these 7 sentences
1) I can’t help do the dishes (means – i can’t help with this action?)
2) I can’t help to do the dishes (is this even legal?)
3) I can’t help her do the dishes (I can’t help her with doing the dishes?)
4) I can’t help her to do the dishes (not legal right?)
5) I can’t help but to do the dishes
6) I can’t help but doing the dishes
7) I can’t help but do the dishes

Which of these sentences are legal and what do they mean?

By the way it’d be nice if u make a lesson on it with title like:

Can’t help doing vs Can’t doing

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hey!! Great Class! I want to be a great teacher like you !

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I got 100%

thank you very much mr.Alex

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I got 100

Your accent is best such as emma, rebecca, john and adm.

Thank you teacher i love you.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thank mr allex , for your lesson

How can I get the had copy of your lesson?

I’ve got 10 correct out of 10, yes!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

9/10 🙂

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thanks for the useful lesson. I’ve got 10/10. Don’t you mind if I ask you when to use “bored” and ” boring”? Thanks again!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I have 10 correct out of 10

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more) Shing mang tun

thank you so much Alex

thank you xo xo much

You got 10 correct out of 10.

I like the way you teach because you are naturally talented

THanx a lot, Alex. But I’ve got a question about THE with THE NAMES OF lakes. When we say ‘Lake Bajkal’ we don’t use the article, but we say ‘Baikal is the deepest lake in th world’? should we use THE BAYKAL?

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I really enjoyed your way of teaching and gave all correct answers.Please send the feedback to encourage me for English is not my native tongue.I am glad to be encouraged and helped at the same time Mr.Alex.

thank you for explaning “THE” I got 10 correct out of 10

I don’t know why Ican’t receive your lessones ? could you help me ?

i usually say Toba Lake, a famous lake in Indonesia. I just know that Lake Toba. Is it correct?

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hey alex, thank you very much.
i got 9, hehe

Thanks Alex, you expain very clear.

thank you. very well explained!

Thank you very much for the information.

Dear EngVID it is really nice thanks a lot for your support

Alex, thanks a lot. The use of THE articule in this context is now very clear for me.

Thanks you all lesson

thanks Alex for this short and sweet lessons.I’ve got 10 correct out of 10 .

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thank you so much you a best teac me perfect

thank you; you are really a great teacher

Thank you ^^

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I´m very satisfied with these lessons, for I have improved a lot. just to assess my progress I made a test in the site of Englishtown and got the grades: 70 for grammar, 80 for listening and 80 for reading. next time I try I hope to get grades enough to be considered advanced.

🙁 Sorry, Mr.Alex, I haven’t got this lesson, I’ll watch it again and again until I understood.

Hi, Alex – thank you so much at the lessons. But I am a beginner and wery slowly /old/ E.student. God bless You and God bless the Queen ! bye Steve

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you so much,Alex! It’s very useful.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thanks Alex for this useful lesson.
I am learning a lot with the remarks made by the students. All The comments are helping me to increase my knowledge.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

That was a good lesson! Tks, teacher Alex

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

hello sir , i am always confuse about the word ” would” could you advice me about it sir please.

mam i know how to use ”where”with other ways..

how to use where with words like these??

1 That is the RELATIONSHIP where one thing makes a change in another.

2 if you have gone to a WEBSITE where you have to create an account for yourself..

4 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the EMAILS where the answer can be found on our web site itself.

5 I got to the STAGE where I wasn’t coping any more.

These are a few sentences i have a lot..please explain to me with some of your own sentences how to use ”where” with these words.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thank you, Alex,I’ve enjoyed watching this video. By the way, it was a discovery for me, that we should use the names of waterfalls without any articles, as I thought we considered them to be a part of the water surface, so thanks for the clarification. By the way, could you help me, what if when naming a lake we omit this very word “lake”, like : “I’ve never swimmed in the Baikal”. In this case should we put the article? thanks for your respond in advance:)

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When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

grrrr.. i got 8 out of 10 . i’m poor for english language

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Yes Alex,sure I got 100 % and I am enjoy because have finished Gjeography University.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

100% Thank you teacher!!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hello teacher I had a doubt about this, since today I don’t have more!I thank you for that great job!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you! Articles are always confusing for me ((

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

5. Which sentence is correct?
1.Toronto overlooks Lake Ontario.
2.Toronto overlooks the Lake Ontario.
how “the” used above 2nd sentence?
sir reply must

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

as usually – many thanks for teacher and all team of ENGVID

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

hmmmm good job,,, Gb ^_^

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

that was a very good lesson! i got 10 🙂 thanks teacher Alex..

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

hi, I like your lesson but I have a question.
The deepest lake in the world is THE Lake Baikal in Russia.
don’t we use THE+adjective+est with superlative? why it’s wrong??

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

My score was 100%. Ya~y! Thank you Alex 😀

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thx Alex ,the lesoon was very clear

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I got 10 correct out of 10. 😀

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thanks sir I got 90% because I do not know about Nile. It is a river in northeastern Africa. Now I have known.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I’ve got almost 9 out of 10.
Aha! We use ‘Dead sea’ without THE.
Thanks Alex! ;-D

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I had a dificult to write a email today with this exaclty problem. It help me so muck. Thank you Alex 😀

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thanks a lot Alex, I got 90% from 10 question

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hello Alex may I say I would like to visit Geneva laks or Geneva,s lake ?????

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

informative lesson, i have 100%

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I like that you don’t complicate information

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you. It’s useful

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

i got full mark:P
thank you alex:D

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hi Alex. The use of the article “the” in reference to rivers and streams came up in conversation this morning. We are in Maine, USA.

We will say “The Kennebec” in reference to the Kennebec River, or we might say “the Kennebec River”, but we don’t say Kennebec River without the article “the”.

However, we never say “The Lemon” in reference to Lemon Stream, nor do we say “The Lemon Stream”, but when referring to it, we will say “Lemon Stream” (without the article).

To complicate matters, though, for some of the larger streams, we do just refer to them as “The Kenduskeag” in reference to Kenduskeag Stream. But we’d never say The Kenduskeag Stream.

Is there a rule here? Thanks!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I was thinking it might have to do with relative size. I thought I caught a Canadian twang in your video!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

done it! 10 correct out of 10 🙂

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I got 100 great ! thank you very much. I just discovered you was born in Poland, great I was too. But I’m living in France and I’m learning English. So thank you very much, very good job.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thanks. I got 100%

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hi Alex. Thank you very much!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

hi i have question about this lesson please tell me about when we talk about part of continent we use the or not thanks

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I think the printable list should include these important rivers: the Rio de la Plata River ,the Parana River ,the Iguazu River

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I got 9/10 not bad. thanks sir!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

The lesson was very clear. Thank you.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Hellow Alex. Thank you very much! I got 10/10.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Je vis près du lac de Serre Ponçon mais loin de la mer Méditerranée.
Merci Alex.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

The seventh question about the Caspian sea was very interesting.
I had made a mistake in it. ))))

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

easy and good lesson
i got 100%

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

thanks engvid namaste from india

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thanks for this lesson.
I sometimes get confused how to use”the” in front of the names’ of seas,rivers and lakes.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thanks a lot, My first lesson with degree 10

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Great lesson! Thanks!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you Mr. Alex.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Thank you so much sir!It was so clear.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Wow, I got 10 out of 10. Thank you, teacher Alex!

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

I watched this video twice on June 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.

When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Using Articles with Names of Places

Instructions: Add the definite article `the’ if necessary.

  1.  Prague is the capital of  Czech Republic.
  2. When I was in  England, I visited  Tower of London.
  3.  Rhine is a river that goes through  Netherlands.
  4. On my trip in  Asia, I had a chance to visit  Mount Aso and  Yangtze River in  China.
  1. I left  Hong Kong via  Hong Kong International Airport.
  2.  Mohave Desert is located in  United States.
  3.  Appalachian Mountains are in  North America.
  4. When I was in  New York, I visited  Empire State Building and  Seneca Lake.
  5.  Sea of Japan is located between  Japan and  South Korea. It is part of  Pacific Ocean.
  1.  MET Museum is located on  Fifth Avenue.
  2. I met a man from  New Zealand when I was skiing in  Swiss Alps.
  3. On my trip around the world, I visited  Jamaica,  Bahamas,  Australia, and  Republic of Congo.
  4. John lives on  Fraser Street in  Sydney.
  5.  Poland is part of  European Union.
  6. The tourist arrived at  Manaus Airport and then took a tour of  Amazon River.

I hope these general rules about article use will be helpful. If you find a mistake or have any questions, please leave a comment below.

Best of luck in your English studies.

Other Rules for the Geographical Use of the Definite Article, The

Do not use the before the names of

  • continents (North America, Asia, Africa)
  • mountains (Mount Rushmore, Mount Everest)
  • islands (Saint Lucia, Antigua, Grenada)
  • streets (Broad Street, Wilson Avenue)
  • cities and towns (Birmingham, Seattle, Las Vegas)
  • states (Alabama, Washington, Nevada)
  • lakes (Lake Erie, Lake Kissimmee, Lake Rabun)

Do use the before the names of

  • points on the globe (the Equator, the North Pole)
  • mountain ranges (the Smoky Mountains, the Andes)
  • island chains (the Florida Keys, the Pacific Islands)
  • geographical areas (the East, the Midwest)
  • rivers, seas, and oceans (the Mississippi River, the Atlantic Ocean, the Nile River)
  • deserts and peninsulas (the Mojave Desert, the Balkan Peninsula
  • groups of lakes (the Great Lakes)

Language is always changing. Fifty years ago, Argentina was known as “the Argentine,” and the Falkland Islands always had the definite article in front of it. But Argentina is now perfectly standard and you may even hear people say “I come from Falkland Islands.”
When to use ‘the’ with country names (+ lakes, rivers, and more)

Geographical Use of the Definite Article (The) With Country Names

Typically, the article the is not used before the names of countries and territories:

However, the is used before countries whose names are plural in form:

The is also used with countries whose names include the words states, kingdom, or republic:

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