We use to give advice

We use to give advice Английский

5 а) Изучи таблицу с теорией. Найди примеры с should в диалоге в Упр.2.

Мы используем should/shouldn’t, чтобы дать совет. Ты устал. Тебе следует отдохнуть! Тебе не следует есть так много. Это плохо для тебя.

You should tell your parents. (Тебе следует сказать твоим родителям)

We should be careful. (Нам следует быть осторожными)

They should probably install an alarm too. You should be careful with your keys. (Им возможно следует установить сигнализацию тоже. Тебе следует быть осторожным со своими ключами)

b) Используй фразы, чтобы дать совет:

1 другу, у которого сильная головная боль (принять болеутоляющее)

А: У меня сильная головная боль.

В: Тебе следует принять болеутоляющее.

2 твоему брату, который чувствует себя уставшим (лечь в кровать)

3 твоей сестре, у которой зубная боль (пойти к дантисту)

4 другу, который всегда теряет свои ключи (хранить их в своем кармане)

5 другу, который нервничает по поводу своих экзаменов (не беспокоится так сильно)

6 твоей тёте, у которой болит нога (снять свои туфли)

2 you should go to bed. (тебе следует лечь в кровать)

3 You should see a dentist. (тебе следует пойти к дантисту)

4 You should keep them in your pocket. (тебе следует хранить их в кармане)

5 You shouldn’t worry so much. (тебе не следует беспокоиться так сильно)

6 You should take your shoes off/take off your shoes. (тебе следует снять свои туфли)

Team A S1 (Команда А Ученик1): I have a toothache. (У меня зубная боль)

Team B S1 (Команда В Ученик1): You should see a dentist. (Тебе следует пойти к дантисту)

Learn how to use different modal verbs to make suggestions and to speak about obligations, and do the exercises to practise using them.

We use should and shouldn’t to make suggestions and give advice:

You should send an email.
You shouldn’t go by train.

We also use could to make positive suggestions:

We could meet at the weekend.
You could eat out tonight.

We can use conditionals to give advice:

Dan will help you if you ask him.

Past tenses are more polite:

Dan would help you if you asked him.


We use must or need to to say that it is necessary to do something:

You must stop at a red light.
Everyone needs to bring something to eat.
You can wear what you like, but you must look neat and tidy.

We use mustn’t for prohibitions – to say that it is necessary to not do something:

You mustn’t make any noise in the library.
You mustn’t say anything to her. It’s a surprise.

We use had to (positive) and couldn’t (negative) if we are talking about the past:

Everyone had to bring something to eat.
You couldn’t make any noise in the library.

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Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you give advice? Listen out for useful language for giving advice. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Noelia: Argh, this is just ridiculous!

Paul: Susan again?

Noelia: Yeah, Susan. She just keeps emailing me about things that have nothing to do with work and nothing to do with me. What do you think I should do?

Paul: Well, if I were you, I’d email and ask her to stop sending them.

Noelia: I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I have to be careful what I say as she’s quite an important client.

Paul: Erm, I’m not sure then. Perhaps you could try talking to Yuna about it?

Bob: Er .. why don’t you try doing nothing?

Noelia: Really? I’m not too sure about that.

Bob: Well, I remember this guy I used to work with, Mark, and he kept emailing again and again and again, about all sorts, mostly unrelated to work. Well, I kept responding politely and he kept sending them. In the end, I stopped replying to his emails unless they were only about work.

Paul: And what happened?

Bob: He stopped sending them. It’s a bit like being faced with a dangerous snake. If you move quickly, it’ll bite you, but if you keep very still and do nothing, eventually it’ll move away and leave you alone. I had to learn the hard way.

Noelia: Hey, Bob. Have you got a minute?

Noelia: So, I tried what you suggested and I only responded to Susan’s emails about work for a few days. Then guess what?

Bob: The irrelevant emails stopped.

Noelia: Yes! Now she only sends me work-related ones.

Bob: Well, that’s very good news.

Noelia: All thanks to you, Bob.

Bob: Any time, Noelia, any time! All in a day’s work. Ahh!

Ana: Hello again! It looks like Bob is in Noelia’s good books. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for giving advice? Listen to me and then repeat.

If I were you, I’d ask her.

Perhaps you could try talking to Yuna.

I tried what you suggested.

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you give advice in English. Bye for now!

Study the theory box. Find examples of should in the dialogue in Ex. . to give advice.
You are tired. You have a rest! eat so much. It’s bad for you.
Use the phrases to give advice to:
. a friend who has a splitting headache. (take a painkiller)
A: I’ve got a splitting headache.
B: You should take a painkiller.
. your brother who feels tired. (go to bed)
. your sister who’s got toothache. (see a dentist)
. a friend who always loses his keys. (not keep them in your pocket)
. a friend who is nervous about her exams. (not worry so much)
. your aunt whose feet hurt. (take off your shoes)

Английский язык 7 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Better safe than sorry. Номер №5

Перевод задания
Изучите теорию. Найти примеры следует в диалоге в Упражнении .
Мы используем «следует / не следует», чтобы давать советы.
Ты устал. Тебе надо отдохнуть!
Не стоит так много есть. Это плохо для тебя.
Используйте фразы, чтобы дать совет:
. друг, у которого сильно болит голова. (принять обезболивающее)У меня сильная головная боль.Вам следует принять болеутоляющее.
. ваш брат, который чувствует себя усталым. (идти спать)
. ваша сестра, у которой болит зуб. (обратиться к стоматологу)
. друг, который всегда теряет ключи. (не хранить их в кармане)
. подруга, которая нервничает из−за экзаменов. (не волноваться так сильно)
. твоя тётя, у которой болят ноги. (снять обувь)

Читайте также:  Лексика для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ по английскому языку | The English Inn

Jo: Yes, you should tell your parents.
Dan: You’re right. They should probably install an alarm, too.
Jo: And you should be careful with your keys. Don’t lose them, or leave them near an open window.
Dan: I think you’re right. We should be careful.
A: I’ve got a splitting headache.
B: You should take a painkiller.
A: I feel really tired.
B: You should go to bed early.
A: I’ve got a terrible toothache.
B: You should see a dentist.
A: I’m always losing my keys.
B: You shouldn’t keep them in your pocket.
A: I’m so nervous about my exams.
B: You shouldn’t worry so much.
A: My feet hurt.
B: You should take off your shoes.

Перевод ответа
Джо: Да, тебе следует рассказать своим родителям.
Дэн: Ты прав. Возможно, им тоже стоит установить сигнализацию.
Джо: И тебе следует быть осторожны со своими ключами. Не теряйте их и не оставляйте возле открытого окна.
Дэн: Думаю, ты прав. Нам следует быть осторожными.
.У меня сильная головная боль.Тебе следует принять болеутоляющее.
.Я чувствую себя очень уставшим.Тебе следует лечь спать пораньше.
.У меня ужасно болит зуб.Тебе следует обратиться к дантисту.
.Я всегда теряю ключи.Тебе не следует держать их в кармане.
.Я так нервничаю из−за экзаменов.Тебе не стоит так сильно волноваться.
.У меня болят ноги.Тебе следует снять обувь.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №F

Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either
A: I’m really tired today.
B: (bed / early tonight) You should go to bed early tonight.
A: I lost my red pen.
B: (keep / pencil case)
A: I feel really sick.
B: (play / outside)
A: I’ve got a toothache.
B: (see / dentist)
A: I’m very worried about my exams!
B: (worry so much)
A: I broke my brother’s new camera.
B: (tell / tonight)

Перевод задания
Используйте подсказки, чтобы дать правильный совет, используя или
напримерЯ очень устал сегодня.кровать / рано сегодня вечером) Тебе нужно лечь спать пораньше.
.Я потерял красную ручку.хранить / пенал)
.Мне очень плохо.игра / на свежем воздухе)
.У меня болит зуб.увидеть / дантист)
.Я очень переживаю за свои экзамены!сильно волноваться)
.Я сломал новый фотоаппарат моего брата.сказать / сегодня вечером)

A: I lost my red pen.
B: You should keep your pens in your pencil case.
A: I feel really sick.
B: You shouldn’t play outside.
A: I’ve got a toothache.
B: You should see a dentist.
A: I’m very worried about my exams!
B: You shouldn’t worry so much.
A: I broke my brother’s new camera.
B: You should tell him tonight.

Перевод ответа
.Я потерял красную ручку.Вы должны держать ручки в пенале.
.Мне очень плохо.Вы не должны играть на улице.
.У меня болит зуб.Вам следует обратиться к дантисту.
.Я очень переживаю за свои экзамены!Тебе не стоит так сильно волноваться.
.Я сломал новый фотоаппарат моего брата.Вы должны сказать ему сегодня вечером.

Giving advice in English might seem tricky at first. There are several ways to do it and each uses a slightly sentence structure. So, how do we choose which one to use? Find out with these five simple ways to give advice in English.

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Use a modal verb

There are two modal verbs we often use for giving advice: ‘should’ and ‘ought to’. Both mean the same thing but work in slightly different ways. Let’s look at some examples.

You should do more travelling.
You shouldn’t drink so much beer.

As you can see above, after ‘should’ we use an infinitive without ‘to’.

You ought to do more travelling.
You ought not to drink so much beer.

Unlike ‘should’, we always use ‘to’ in ‘ought to’ for giving advice.

Make it into a question

To make advice less direct, we can use a question to make the person we are advising consider about the advice we are giving them.

Why don’t you do some more tidying?
How about doing some more tidying?

Put yourself in the person’s position

If someone is asking for your advice, sometimes it’s useful to imagine yourself being in that person’s position. This is a good way to explain your advice, too.

If I were you, I would travel more

Remember to use an infinitive after ‘would’ and not ‘to’. To make this negative, put ‘not’ after ‘would’.

Make a suggestion

A suggestion or recommendation is another good way of giving advice that isn’t to direct. You can use the words ‘suggest’ or ‘recommend’ as in the example below.

I would suggest doing more of an effort.
I would recommend doing this instead.

Use ‘verb+ing’ after ‘suggest’ or ‘recommend’ to explain your advice to the listener. To make these negative, put ‘not’ before your ‘verb+ing’.

Advise in a stronger way

You had  (You’d)  better start working on your homework.
You had  (You’d)  better finish this assignment in time.

We use an infinitive after ‘better’ to explain our advice and add ‘not’ after ‘better’ to make the sentence negative.

So, now you know how to give advice in English. Next time one of your friends is having some trouble, give them some advice in English and try out your new skills.

Table Of Contents:

Modal verbs are very common and useful in English. We use them to talk about ability, permission, obligation, requests, offers, suggestions and more. To give suggestions and advice we can use the modal verbs ‘could’, ‘should’, ‘ought to’, ‘had better’.


‘Should’ is used when the speaker wants to make a strong suggestion:

  • The sun is shining bright, so you should wear a cap.
  • You look pale. I don’t think you should go to school today.
  • The road is wet. You shouldn’t drive too fast.

Should + have

We use should have + past participle to talk about things we regret, when we feel sorry about something that happened or did not happen in the past.

  • I should have called you sooner.
  • I shouldn’t have shouted at her.

Ought to

In more formal situations you can use ‘ought to’ instead of ‘should’, but this modal verb is not used in negative statements and questions:

  • You ought to (should) wear a scarf. It’s very cold outside.
  • They ought to hurry, their train is leaving.
  • Jane ought to visit that castle, it’s great!

Note: Both ‘should’ and ‘ought to’ are used to express advice, obligation or duty.BUT: We use ‘should’ when we want to express our subjective opinion. In other words, ‘what I think is best for you to do’.

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– You should call your mother more often.

‘Ought to’ is used when we want to express an objective truth. In other words, ‘what is necessary, and cannot be avoided’. That’s why we usually use ‘ought to’ when we are talking about laws, duties and regulations.

Had better

  • You had better (You’d better) leave for work, it’s 8 o’clock already.
  • He’d better park his car correctly or he will get fined.

Note: Had better is a strong expression. We use it if we think there will be negative results if someone does not do what is desired or suggested.

Here’s how ‘had better‘ relates to other modal verbs with similar meaning:


‘Could’ is not as strong as ‘should’ and is normally used to give mild advice or to suggest a solution to some problem:

  • – I hate my old jeans!
  • – Well, you could buy a new pair.
  • If they need more space, they could look for a bigger house.
  • Jack moves to Canada next month. He could learn to play hockey there.

Here’s a good video from American English about modal verbs to express advice:

Modal Verbs for Possibility

Modal Verbs for Deduction

Modal Verbs for Ability

Modal Verbs: Permission, Requests and Offers

Учимся давать советы на английском языке. Giving advice

Обновлено Ноя 6, 2018

Итак, дорогие друзья, изучающие английский язык, сегодня на вашей улице праздник – вы, я уверена, постоянно читаете различные советы об изучении английского, а сейчас вы будете давать советы.

Будете давать советы или разного рода предложения на английском! А что, вам поделиться, что ли нечем?

Да легко! Сейчас только фразы необходимые для этого подучим, и вперёд!

How to give a piece of advice

Ну что ж, I recommend that you learn these phrases. If I were you, I’d use them straightaway!

Если у вас есть какой-то ценный совет, можете оставить его в комментариях.

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

Меня зовут Полина.

Я профессиональный дипломированный учитель английского языка, с высшим педагогическим образованием и повышением квалификации на всевозможных курсах, тренингах, включая курс для учителей в Англии, Оксфорде.

Я счастлива поделиться с вами своими знаниями и опытом!

С 2013 я живу и работаю за границей (Китай, Филиппины, Вьетнам, США), поэтому занятия провожу онлайн по скайпу, а также вы можете приобрести мои авторские курсы.

Буду рада знакомству, с радостью отвечу на ваши вопросы 🙂

В новом уроке разберём 5 способов дать совет по-английски.

Будьте внимательны, слово в анлийском языке является неисчисляемым существительным. Это значит, что оно не употребляется во множественном числе, а также перед ним не используется неопределённый артикль an.

Can I ask you some advice? — Могу попросить у тебя совет?
I always seek advice from you. — Я всегда хочу получить от тебя совет.
Let me give you some advice. — Позволь дать тебе совет.
Where did you get this advice? — Откуда ты взял такой совет?

Кстати, «непрошенный» совет в английском языке называется unsolicited: .

Переходим к способам дать совет.

1. Задать прямой вопрос:
Do you want some advice? — Хочешь совет?
Do you need some advice? — Тебе нужен совет?
Таким образом можно начать давать совет человеку, с которым вы находитесь в дружеских отношениях.

2. Использовать модальный глагол should — следует:
You should sleep more. — Тебе следует больше спать.
He should eat less fast food. — Ему следует есть поменьше фаст фуда.
Обратите внимание, глагол should не меняет форму, а смысловой глагол после него используется в начальной форме (инфинитив).

Очень легко образовать отрицание — просто добавьте частицу not, которая обычно сливается с should:
You shouldn’t drink coffee in the evening. — Тебе не стоит пить кофе по вечерам.
She shouldn’t skip classes. — Ей не следует пропускать занятия.

3. Задать менее прямой вопрос:
Why don’t you take your brother’s car? — Почему бы тебе не взять машину брата?
Why don’t you drink more water when it’s so hot? — Почему бы тебе не пить побольше воды, когда так жарко?
Why don’t you travel light? — Почему бы тебе не поехать налегке?

4. Выразить настойчивость при помощи повелительного наклонения:
Take a nap. — Поспи.
Sell your car. — Продай машину.
Чтобы построить предложение, просто начните его с глагола-действия в начальной форме. Также обратите внимание, такой совет могут воспринять как прямую команду пойти и что-то сделать — не все любят прямые указания.
Чтобы построить отрицание, добавьте don’t в начало предложения:
Don’t think about it. — Не думай об этом.
Don’t waste your time. — Не трать время.

5. Использовать конструкцию let’s + глагол:
Let’s talk about it. — Давай поговорим об этом.
Let’s go shopping. — Давай сходим по магазинам.
Let’s not make hasty decisions. — Давай не принимать поспешных решений.
Такая формулировка уместна, когда вы предлагаете делать что-либо вместе.

Мы продолжаем изучать английскую лексику. В одном из предыдущих постов мы уже рассмотрели разницу между словами advice и advise, а в данной статье рассмотрим, какие слова и фразы нужно использовать, чтобы давать советы людям нашего окружения, чтобы это выглядело красиво, ненавязчиво и дипломатично.

How to give a polite advice

Например, вам нужно посоветовать кому-то пойти к врачу, как это правильно сделать? Go to the doctor! (Пойди к врачу!) You should go to the doctor! (Тебе следует пойти к врачу!) – Эти предложения составлены в повелительном наклонении и выглядят скорее как приказ, нежели совет, поэтому эта форма предложения никак не может быть приемлема и не является вежливой. Вот идеальный вариант – If I were you I would go to the doctor (На твоем месте я бы обратился к врачу).  Произнося такое  предложение, вы никоим образом не вмешиваетесь в чужие дела и не поучаете других, что им нужно делать, а что не нужно. Вы говорите, что сделали бы вы на месте вашего собеседника, а на самом  деле ненавязчиво даете ему полезный совет.

  • If I were you I would stop smoking – На твоем месте я бы перестал курить.
  • If I were you I would look for a new job – На твоем месте я бы искал новую работу.
  • If I were you I would accept their offer – На твоем месте я бы принял их предложение.
  • If I were you I would finish the university – На твоем месте я бы закончил университет.
  • If I were you I would buy the house – На твоем месте я бы купил этот дом.
  • If I were you I would ask her to marry me – На твоем месте я бы попросил ее выйти за меня замуж.

Невозможно перечислить все способы дать совет, но теперь вы знаете, как правильно самостоятельно построить предложение, чтобы оно выражало деликатный совет.

Видеоурок по английскому языку: Как дать вежливый совет по-английски

We use to give advice

We use to give advice

“If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind.” ~Buddha

Nothing appears to be going right. The worst part? No one gets it, even though they might claim to.

Even though you know this is all temporary—it always is—you feel the need to ask other people what you should do. If they say what you want to hear, you’re relieved. But it doesn’t usually work that way. In fact, oftentimes you’re more frustrated than you were before once they put their two cents in.

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We’ve all been there before.

Think back real hard—what in particular helped or irked you about advice people gave you? Did they say you should have done something differently (which wasn’t very useful after the fact)?

When friends have problems that seem incurable and never-ending, you can sense that hopelessness. And you want to fix it, which always seems so simple when you’re sitting on the outside.

Oftentimes, you’re not sure what to say because you don’t feel qualified to give advice but you feel compelled to say something. But it always looks different when you’re inside the mess than it is when you’re standing on the sidelines.

And even if other people have much larger problems, we still dwell on our own because what matters, in that moment, is how we feel.

Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that you can’t, at least not instantly, help someone when they’re in a fragile state. That’s okay. Most of the time when someone comes to you, they’re not expecting you to have all the answers or even talk.

They just want someone to lend an ear and be by their side through a difficult time.

Realizing this is key to delivering good advice. It isn’t always composed of words and answers. Here’s how you can be helpful to a person in their darkest of times:

Advise with permission.

When you care about someone and think you know how to improve their situation, it’s tempting to play amateur psychiatrist—especially if you’ve been there before. If you’ve ever been on the couch-end of this scenario, you know it can be frustrating.

If you feel the need to offer unsolicited advice, ask them, “Do you want some ideas to improve the situation?” This way they have the option to say no, and they’ll likely give you more attention when they’ve agreed to take your help.

Give them a rant window.

Oftentimes when people ask for advice, what they really want is to rehash something they can’t get off their mind—something they’ve probably talked about repeatedly to lots of different people (maybe even anyone who’d listen).

The best way to be a friend is to enable both what they want to do and what they need to do. Want: tell the story repeatedly, as if they can change how they feel if they just talk about it enough. Need: work through it and let it go. Tell them you’re there to listen to everything they need to say. Once they’ve gotten all out, you’d love to help them move on.

Be honest.

If you don’t know how someone feels, you can’t truthfully say, “I know how you feel.” That’s okay. You can likely still empathize on some level. Let them know, gently, that you haven’t been there before, but you’ll try to put yourself in their shoes to help as best you can.

Avoid judging.

When someone comes to you for help, odds are they already feel pretty vulnerable. They’re trusting you to hear them out without being judgmental or condescending.

Make it a collaboration.

It can feel gratifying to figure out what seems like the answer and then deliver it in a sermon. It’s like being a good advice detective when you figure out exactly what someone should or can do, and you feel even better when you can put it all into words eloquently.

But this can also come off as superiority, which probably isn’t your intention. Try, “I don’t have all the answers, but I’d love to help you figure out what’s right for you.” Whenever you’ve talked for a few minutes, bring it back to them. “What are your thoughts about that?”

Offer long-term support.

Your sister doesn’t want just a list of ways to break up with her boyfriend; she wants help finding the courage to do it and get through it. Your friend doesn’t just want tips to switch careers; she wants support in making a scary but positive change.

It doesn’t matter so much that you have all the answers. More often that not, people know what’s right for them; they just want to feel validated and supported.

Don’t make promises.

Even if you’ve been there before, you can’t guarantee any specific outcome. Your friend could approach her boss exactly like you did for a raise and end up being demoted—at which point she might blame you.

Keep expectations realistic by focusing on possibilities within the realm of uncertainty. If you tell your sister to take a risk, make sure she knows it is a risk. Help her weigh the possible outcomes, both positive and negative so she can decide if it’s worth the potential reward.

Recommend a read.

When you make the proactive decision to find answers for yourself, you feel both empowered and confident in your ability to make the right decision. You can help your friend feel that way by pointing him in the direction of a few books that will help him help himself.

Say it from the heart.

Another option is to be there with kindness instead of words. This is a good approach if you’ve already offered advice on the problem, and realize not much you say will help.

Leave a hand-written “thinking of you” card in that person’s mailbox or mail them a package with some sweet treats and light reads. Sometimes people just need to remember their problem isn’t the end of the world and there are lots of other good things in their life.

Make plans.

You’re not the go-to guru for all answers—and you don’t have to be—but you have the power to make other things happen.

Plan a fun weekend getaway or day trip (for the budget-conscious) with your friend. Set the date in stone and make an unforgettable memory. People often find answers for themselves when they get away, let themselves relax, and clear their head for a while.

You don’t always have to have the right words. Actions speak louder, anyway. But if you do have something to say, know how you say it can make a world of difference.

About Maelina Frattaroli

Maelina was born knowing she wanted to pursue writing. She believes most of life’s complexities can be cured through the written word; listening to Neil Diamond; and eating garlic-infused dishes. In her spare time, she writes poetry, hikes mountains, and wines-and-dines with good company.

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