Translations of «to be bored with» (En-Ru) on Lingvo Live

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For, against, if, but and however, we’re going to be bored towith

«За», «против», «если», «но» и «однако» – смертельно скучное дело.

Child, Lee / The EnemyЧайлд, Ли / Враг

«Well fuggit,» James Cagney said, speaking in the tones of a man who wants to bewithboring

— Тогда все получится, — Джеймс Кэгни говорил тоном человека, которому не терпится закончить наскучившую ему беседу.

King, Stephen / The Dark tower 7: The Dark TowerКинг, Стивен / Темная башня 7: Темная башня

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Areboredwithto pass the time?

Со скуки, чтобы время провести?

Marr, Melissa / Wicked LovelyМарр, Мелисса / Коварная красота

Examples from texts

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11 марта 2022

Translations of «to be bored with» (En-Ru) on Lingvo Live

  • Английский (американский вариант)
  • Английский (британский вариант)

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Translations of «to be bored with» (En-Ru) on Lingvo Live

When you «disagree» with an answer

Translations of «to be bored with» (En-Ru) on Lingvo Live

Bored by means something is boring into the subject. For example, «the wooden plank was bored by a drill before screwing it down.»

Bored of means and bored with are very similar. Being bored of something is like being tired of something. You don’t want to have it anymore. You can be bored of writing after writing for too long. Being bored with something means that the object is boring to you. You can be bored with a song after hearing it too many times.

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In this case, you can say «he bores me» or «I am bored of him

Translations of «to be bored with» (En-Ru) on Lingvo Live

  • Английский (американский вариант)
  • Польский
    Практически свободно говорящий

You could also say «I’m easily bored by (insert subject). For example, math. I’m easily bored by math. Or him. I’m easily bored by him.

Translations of «to be bored with» (En-Ru) on Lingvo Live

  • Английский (американский вариант)
  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

There’s a way to see why with and by are correct, bored is a passive adjective, and passive adjective usually goes with ‘by’ and ‘with’. Bored of is also correct because it’s synonymous with tired of and sick of, which tells someone your mental state

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Translations of «to be bored with» (En-Ru) on Lingvo Live

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Translations of «to be bored with» (En-Ru) on Lingvo Live

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