Last week i that you lived in europe and i came to visit you

Упражнение 28 на грамматику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали контексту.

Last week I __DECIDE__ to watch a film in French!

I __LIVE__ in France for five months now and I have been studying the language for eight years and I was still yet to see a film, in French, at the cinema.

So we went to the cinema at Part-Dieu shopping centre in Lyon and prepared __WE__ for two hours of nonsense.

We chose to watch a modern-day remake of Disney’s well __KNOW__ Beauty and the Beast.

As we knew the storyline by heart, we hoped that it would make the film a bit __EASY__ to watch.

I felt very happy leaving that cinema room. It was the __ONE__ time I’d understood so much from a French film at the cinema.

The film probably __BE NOT__ the most difficult one, but it was still such a relief to understand nearly everything!

I know that it may seem crazy to travel to another country just to go the cinema, but if you ever have a spare minute on your trips, and you speak the language, I __RECOMMEND__ a trip to the cinema!

You __SEE__ a film in the languag you’re learning, haven’t you?

Last week I DECIDED to watch a film in French!

I HAVE BEEN LIVINF (или также HAVE LIVED) in France for five months now and I have been studying the language for eight years and I was still yet to see a film, in French, at the cinema.

So we went to the cinema at Part-Dieu shopping centre in Lyon and prepared OURSELVES for two hours of nonsense.

We chose to watch a modern-day remake of Disney’s well KNOWN Beauty and the Beast.

As we knew the storyline by heart, we hoped that it would make the film a bit EASIER to watch.

I felt very happy leaving that cinema room. It was the FIRST time I’d understood so much from a French film at the cinema.

The film probably WAS NOT the most difficult one, but it was still such a relief to understand nearly everything!

I know that it may seem crazy to travel to another country just to go the cinema, but if you ever have a spare minute on your trips, and you speak the language, I WOULD RECOMMEND a trip to the cinema!

You HAVE SEEN a film in the languag you’re learning, haven’t you?

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6i.

Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
Упражнение 1.Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи.

1) “I like travelling by plane,” she said.
2) “We visited Russia last winter,” they said.
3) “Take photocopies of your tickets and passports,” the travel agent said to us.
4) “Do you like French food?” he asked Mary.
5) “Don’t let anyone carry your bags,” she said to me.
6) “I can speak German,” he said.
7) “Have you ever lived abroad?” Judy asked Sam.
8) “Are you going away next week?” she asked Ron.
9) “I’ll be in Brighton next weekend,” Alice said.
10) “Where is the nearest bus stop?” he asked.
11) “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said to me.
12) “What time does your plane arrive?” he asked her.

1) “I like travelling by plane,” she said. – “Я люблю путешествовать на самолете”, – сказала она.
She said that she liked travelling by plane. – Она сказала, что любит путешествовать на самолете.

2) “We visited Russia last winter,” they said. – “Мы посетили Россию прошлой зимой”, – сказали они.
They said that they had visited Russia the previous winter. – Они сказали, что посетили Россию прошлой зимой.

3) “Take photocopies of your tickets and passports,” the travel agent said to us. – “Сделайте фотокопии ваших билетов и паспортов”, – сказал нам турагент.
The travel agent told us to take photocopies of our tickets and passports. – Турагент сказал нам сделать фотокопии наших билетов и паспортов.

4) “Do you like French food?” he asked Mary. – “Тебе нравится французская еда?” – он спросил Мэри.
He asked Mary if / whether she liked French food. – Он спросил Мэри, нравится ли ей французская еда.

5) “Don’t let anyone carry your bags,” she said to me. – “Не позволяй никому нести твои сумки”, – она сказала мне.
She told me not to let anyone carry my bags. – Она сказала мне не позволять никому нести мои сумки.

6) “I can speak German,” he said. – “Я умею говорить по-немецки”, – сказал он.
He said that he could speak German. – Он сказал, что умеет говорить по-немецки.

7) “Have you ever lived abroad?” Judy asked Sam. – “Ты когда-нибудь жил за границей?” – Джуди спросила Сэма.
Judy asked Sam if / whether he had ever lived abroad. – Джуди спросила Сэма, жил ли он когда-нибудь за границей.

10) “Where is the nearest bus stop?” he asked. – “Где ближайшая остановка?” – спросил он.
He asked where the nearest bus stop was. – Он спросил, где ближайшая остановка.

12) “What time does your plane arrive?” he asked her. – “В какое время прибывает твой самолет?” – он спросил ее.
He asked her what time her plane arrived. – Он спросил ее, в какое время прибывает самолет.

Exercise 2. Fill in with said or told.
Упражнение 2. Вставить said или told.

1) Lucy __ she was going to Jamaica.

2) She __ me not to bring a lot of clothes.

4) He __ that his trip to Europe was the most thrilling experience he had ever had.

5) Lynn __ Helen to take some insect repellent to keep mosquitoes away.

6) Bob __ if he had time, he would visit the museum.

1) Lucy said she was going to Jamaica. – Люси сказала, что на собирается на Ямайку.

2) She told me not to bring a lot of clothes. – Она сказала мне принести много одежды.

4) He said that his trip to Europe was the most thrilling experience he had ever had. – Он сказал, что его поездка в Европу была самым захватывающим переживанием, которое он когда-либо имел.

5) Lynn told Helen to take some insect repellent to keep mosquitoes away. – Линн сказала Хэлен взять немного репеллента для отпугивания москитов.

6) Bob said if he had time, he would visit the museum. – Боб сказал, что, если у него будет время, то он посетит музей.

Exercise 3. Write the reported questions as direct questions.
Упражнение 3. Переделайте в прямую речь.

1) She asked when they would be back.

2) He asked if she enjoyed travelling.

3) Jane asked Lucy when she was going on holiday.

4) John asked Liz if she had ever visited Disneyland.

1) She asked when they would be back. – “When will you be back?” she asked them.
Она спросила, когда они вернутся? – “Когда вы вернетесь?” – она спросила их.

2) He asked if she enjoyed travelling. – “Do you enjoy travelling?” he asked her.
Он спросил, травится ли ей путешествовать. – “Тебе нравится путешествовать?” – он спросил ее.

3) Jane asked Lucy when she was going on holiday. – “When are you going on holiday?” Jane asked Lucy.
Джейн спросила Люси, когда она едет на отдых. – “Ты когда едешь на отдых?” спросила Джейн.

4) John asked Liz if she had ever visited Disneyland. – “Have you ever visited Disneyland?” John asked Liz.
Джон спросил Лиз, посещала ли она когда-нибудь Диснейлэнд. – “Ты когда-либо посещала Диснейлэнд?” – Джон спросил Лиз.

Exercise 4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words.
Упражнение 4. Допишите предложение, испoльзуя максимум три слова, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое предложение.

1) “We missed the last train,” David said.
David said that they __ the last train.

2) “Can I have a return ticket, please?” Sophie asked the ticket seller.
Sophie asked the ticket seller if __ a return ticket.

3) “Let’s play football,” Kyle said.
Kyle suggested __ football.

4) “I’m flying to Paris on Saturday,” she said to her friend.
She told her friend that __ to Paris on Saturday.

5) “Don’t run near the pool!” the lifeguard said to them.
The lifeguard told them __ near the pool.

6) “Why were you late coming home?” Julie asked her son.
Julie asked her son why __ late coming home.

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7) “Have a valid passport with you,” the travel agent said to Kim.
The travel agent told Kim __ valid passport with her.

8) “Does this hotel have room service?” he asked the receptionist.
He asked the receptionist if __ room service.

1) “We missed the last train,” David said. – “Мы упустили последний поезд”, – сказал Дэвид.
David said that they had missed the last train. – Дэвид сказал, что они упустили последний поезд.

2) “Can I have a return ticket, please?” Sophie asked the ticket seller. – “Можно мне билет туда и обратно, пожалуйста?” – Софи спросила продавца билетов.
Sophie asked the ticket seller if she could have a return ticket. – Софи спросила продавца билетов, можно ли ей билет туда и обратно.

3) “Let’s play football,” Kyle said. – “Давай поиграем в футбол”, – сказал Кайл.
Kyle suggested playing football. – Кайл предложил поиграть в футбол.

4) “I’m flying to Paris on Saturday,” she said to her friend. – “В субботу я улетаю в Париж”, – она сказала своему другу.
She told her friend that she was flying to Paris on Saturday. – Она сказала своему другу, что улетает в Париж в субботу.

5) “Don’t run near the pool!” the lifeguard said to them. – “Не бегай возле бассейна!” – сказал им охранник.
The lifeguard told them not to run near the pool. – Охранник сказал им не бегать возле бассейна.

6) “Why were you late coming home?” Julie asked her son. – “Почему ты поздно вернулся домой?” – Джули спросила своего сына.
Julie asked her son why he had been late coming home. – Джули спросила своего сына, почему он поздно пришел домой.

7) “Have a valid passport with you,” the travel agent said to Kim. – “Имейте с собой действительный паспорт”, – турагент сказал Ким.
The travel agent told Kim to have a valid passport with her. – Турагент сказал Ким иметь с собой действительный паспорт.

8) “Does this hotel have room service?” he asked the receptionist. – “В этой гостинице есть обслуживание номеров?” – он спросил у администратора.
He asked the receptionist if the hotel had room service. – Он спросил у администратора, есть ли в этой гостинице обслуживание номеров.

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 11 из раздела Grammar Check, Module 1.

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense.
Упражнение 1. Поставить глагол из скобок в правильное время.

Dear Kate,
How are you? We (have) a great time here in Japan.
We stay at a nice hotel. Every day we (have) breakfast at 7:30, then, we (go) sightseeing.
We (go) to a lot of museums and galleries so far but we (not/do) any shopping yet. Tomorrow we (visit) Tokyo Disney Resort. I can’t wait. Later in the evening we (attend) a concert. It’s a pity you (not/be) here. (you/finish) with your exams?
We (leave) this Saturday. Our flight (reach) London at 7:30 pm.
I do miss you.

Dear Kate,
How are you? We are having a great time here in Japan.
We are staying at a nice hotel. Every day we have breakfast at 7:30, then, we go sightseeing.
We have gone to a lot of museums and galleries so far but we haven’t done any shopping yet. Tomorrow we are visiting Tokyo Disney Resort. I can’t wait. Later in the evening we are attending a concert. It’s a pity you aren’t here. Have you finished with your exams?
We are leaving this Saturday. Our flight reaches London at 7:30 pm.
I do miss you.

Дорогая Кейт,
Как дела? Мы отлично проводим время в Японии. Мы проживаем в замечательном отеле. Каждый день в 7:30 у нас завтрак, потом мы идем осматривать достопримечательности.
К настоящему времени мы побывали во многих музеях и галереях, но пока мы еще не делали никаких покупок. Завтра мы посещаем Tokyo Disney Resort (Дисней-курорт в Токио). Не могу дождаться этого Позже, вечером, мы идем на концерт. Жаль, что тебя нет здесь. Ты уже закончил со своими экзаменами?
Мы уезжаем в эту субботу. Наш самолет прибудет в Лондон в 7:30 вечера.
Скучаю по тебе.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное время.

A: I (see) my aunt tonight.
В: I (see). So you won’t be able to meet us in the afternoon then, will you?

A: Why (you/smell) the milk?
В: I think it (smell) funny. I’m afraid it has gone off.

A: I (think) about joining a gym.
В: I (think) that’s a great idea.

A: Why (Annie/be) so sad today?
В: I really (not/know). She (be) usually in a cheerful mood.

A: Is James all right? He (look) very pale.
B: Yes, I know. I (look) for the doctor’s phone number right now.

A: Why (you/taste) the chicken curry?
B: To see if I need to add more spices. But no, I think it (taste) delicious the way it is.

A: I am seeing my aunt tonight. – Сегодня вечером я встречаюсь со своей тетей.
В: I see. So you won’t be able to meet us in the afternoon then, will you? – Понимаю. Тогда ты не сможешь встретиться с нами днем, да?

A: Why are you smelling the milk? – Почему ты нюхаешь молоко?
В: I think it smells funny. I’m afraid it has gone off. – Мне кажется, у него странный запах. Боюсь, что оно испортилось.

A: I am thinking about joining a gym. – Я планирую ходить в спортзал.
В: I think that’s a great idea. – Я думаю, что это хорошая идея.

A: Why is Annie so sad today? – Почему Анни такая грустная сегодня?
В: I really don’t know. She is usually in a cheerful mood. – Я действительно не знаю. Обычно на в радостном настроении.

A: Is James all right? He looks very pale. – С Джеймсом все в порядке? Он выглядит очень бледным.
B: Yes, I know. I am looking for the doctor’s phone number right now. – Да, я знаю. Прямо сейчас я ищу номер телефона врача.

A: Why are you tasting the chicken curry? – Почему ты пробуешь на вкус куриную приправу?
B: To see if I need to add more spices. But no, I think it tastes delicious the way it is. – Чтобы узнать, надо ли мне добавлять еще специй. Но нет, я думаю, что она и так вкусная.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.
Упражнение 3. Завершить предложения.

1) At present, I __ .
2) My friend __ yet.
3) I always __ .
4) My parents don’t __ .
5) I __ never __ .
6) My uncle __ now.
7) Our teacher __ already __ .
8) My friend doesn’t __ .
9) I __ so far.
10) My mum doesn’t __ .

1) At present, I am studying for my exams. – В настоящее время я готовлюсь к экзаменам.
2) My friend hasn’t called me yet. – Мой друг еще мне не звонил.
3) I always enjoy a good romantic comedy. – Мне всегда нравится хорошая романтическая комедия.
4) My parents don’t approve of me staying out late. – Мои родители не одобряют то, что я гуляю допоздна.
5) I have never been to France. – Я никогда не был во Франции.
6) My uncle is feeling better now. – Мой дядя чувствует себя лучше сейчас.
7) Our teacher has already corrected yesterday’s tests. – Наш учитель уже проверил вчерашние тесты.
8) My friend doesn’t mind my using his computer. – Мой друг не возражает против того, чтобы я использовал его компьютер.
9) I have read twenty pages so far. – В настоящее время я прочитал двадцать страниц.
10) My mum doesn’t work. – Моя мама не работает.

Exercise 4. Use the appropriate future tense to complete what Mary might say, as in the example.
Упражнение 4. Придумайте, что сказала бы Мэри. Испoльзуйте правильную конструкцию будущего времени. Первое предложение дано в качестве образца.

1) Her friend says she feels cold.
“I will make you hot tea.”

2) She hears a weather report predicting rain.
“It __.”

3) She has arranged to go shopping with her friend, Beth.
“Beth and I __.”

4) She wants her friend to post a letter for her.
“Will you __?”

5) She’s catching the 6 o’clock train to Brighton.
“My train __.”

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6) Someone asks her about her plans for next July.
“This time next July, I __.”

1) Her friend says she feels cold. – Ее подруга говорит, что замерзла.
“I will make you hot tea.” – Я сделаю тебе горячий чай.

2) She hears a weather report predicting rain. – Она слышит, как прогноз погоды говорит о дожде.
“It is going to rain.” – Собирается дождь.

3) She has arranged to go shopping with her friend, Beth. – Она договорилась идти за покупками со своей подругой Бет.
“Beth and I are going shopping.” – Мы с Бет идем за покупками.

4) She wants her friend to post a letter for her. – Она хочет, чтобы ее подруга отправила для нее письмо.
“Will you post a letter for me?” – Ты отправишь для меня письмо?

5) She’s catching the 6 o’clock train to Brighton. – Она садится на 6-часовой поезд до Брайтона.
“My train leaves at 6 o’clock.” – Мой поезд отправляется в 6 часов.

6) Someone asks her about her plans for next July. – Кто-то спрашивает ее о ее планах на следующий июль.
“This time next July, I will be lying under the hot sun on a beach in the
Caribbean.” – В это время следующим июлем я буду лежать под жарким солнцем на пляже на Карибских островах.

Exercise 5. Complete the gaps with will or be going to in the correct form.
Упражнение 5. Вставить will или be going to.

A: Your shirt is dirty.
В: I know. I __ wash it later.

A: I’m a bit hungry.
В: I __ make you a sandwich.

A: What are your plans for Saturday night?
B: We __ invite some friends over for dinner. Would you like to come?

A: The doorbell is ringing.
В: I __ get it.

A: What are your plans for summer holidays?
B: We __ travel to Spain. We’ve already booked our tickets.

A: Try not to be late.
B: Don’t worry. I __ be back by 7:00.

A: Your shirt is dirty.
В: I know. I am going to wash it later.

A: I’m a bit hungry.
В: I’ll make you a sandwich.

A: What are your plans for Saturday night?
B: We are going to invite some friends over for dinner. Would you like to come?

A: The doorbell is ringing.
В: I’ll get it.

A: What are your plans for summer holidays?
B: We are going to travel to Spain. We’ve already booked our tickets.

A: Try not to be late.
B: Don’t worry. I’ll be back by 7:00.

Exercise 6. Complete the second sentence with a different future form so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use up to three words.
Упражнение 6. Дополните второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Испoльзуйте конструкции будущего времени (до 3-х слов).

The Prime Minister will visit Russia next week.
The Prime Minister __ Russia next week.

Look! The bus is going to leave.
Look! The bus __ leave.

Her flight arrives at 7:00 pm.
Her flight __ arrive at 7:00 pm.

Jim will surely be angry when he hears the bad news.
Jim __ angry when he hears the bad news.

The car factory will soon close down.
The car factory is __ closing down.

The Prime Minister will visit Russia next week.
The Prime Minister is visiting Russia next week. – Премьер-министр посетит Россию на следующей недели.

Look! The bus is going to leave.
Look! The bus is about to leave. – Осторожно! Автобус отъезжает.

Her flight arrives at 7:00 pm.
Her flight is going to arrive at 7:00 pm. – Ее рейс прибудет в 7:00 вечера.

Jim will surely be angry when he hears the bad news.
Jim will become angry when he hears the bad news. – Джим разозлится, когда услышит плохие новости.

The car factory will soon close down.
The car factory is going to be closing down. – Автомобильный завод будет закрываться.

Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.
Упражнение 7. Поставить глагол из скобок в правильное прошедшее время.

A: How (you/find out) about the cruise?
В: I (look) through a magazine when I (see) the advertisement.

A: Have you typed the contract yet?
B: Actually, I (just/start) it before you (walk) in.

A: We (go) to the flea market yesterday.
B: Really! (you/buy) anything?

A: Tonia performed really well yesterday.
B: Yes. She (practise) for months before the recital.

A: (you/enjoy) your flight?
B: Yes, although in the beginning I was a little nervous as I (never/fly) before.

A: Where (your sister/stay) when she (go) to London?
В: In a cheap youth hostel.

A: When (your dad/retire)?
В: Last month. He (work) for the same company for 25 years.

A: (you/have) a nice time at the concert last night?
B: No, it was terrible. The band (only/play) for ten minutes when it (start) to rain.

A: (your brother/be) at home when you (arrive)?
B: No, he (already/go out).

A: How did you find out about the cruise? – Как ты узнал об этом круизе?
В: I was looking through a magazine when I saw the advertisement. – Я просматривал журнал, когда увидел объявление.

A: Have you typed the contract yet? – Вы уже напечатали контракт?
B: Actually, I had just started it before you walked in. – Собственно говоря, я как раз начал его, перед тем как ты вошел.

A: We went to the flea market yesterday. – Вчера мы ходили на блошиный рынок.
B: Really! Did you buy anything? – Правда? Ты что-нибудь купил?

A: Tonia performed really well yesterday. – Вчера Тоня играла очень хорошо.
B: Yes. She practised for months before the recital. – Да. Перед концертом она много практиковалась.

A: Did you enjoy your flight? – Тебе понравился полет?
B: Yes, although in the beginning I was a little nervous as I had never flown before. – Да, хотя в начале я немного нервничал, так как никогда до этого не летал.

A: Where did your sister stay when she went to London? – Где проживала твоя сестра, когда она ездила в Лондон?
В: In a cheap youth hostel. – В дешевой молодежной гостинице.

A: When did your dad retire? – Когда твой папа ушел на пенсию?
В: Last month. He had worked for the same company for 25 years. – В прошлом месяце. Он проработал в одной и той же компании в течение 25 лет.

A: Did you have a nice time at the concert last night? – Ты хорошо провел время на концерте прошлым вечером?
B: No, it was terrible. The band had only been playing for ten minutes when it started to rain. – Нет, было ужасно. Группа проиграла только лишь десять минут, как начался дождь.

A: Was your brother at home when you arrived? – Твой брат был дома, когда ты приехал?
B: No, he had already gone out. – Нет, он уже ушел.

Exercise 8. Use the time expressions below and present, past or future tenses to make sentences about yourself.

Упражнение 8. И данными ниже выражениями составьте предложения о себе, испoльзуя настоящие, прошедшие и будущие времена.

• tomorrow • yesterday • usually
• two weeks ago • these days • next week
• for six months • last week

I had to work overtime yesterday. – Вчера мне пришлось работать сверхурочно.
I usually take a walk round the park in the afternoons. – Обычно я прогуливаюсь по парку днем.
We had dinner at my aunt’s two weeks ago. – Две недели назад у нас был обед у моей тети.
I’m going to go away for the weekend next weekend. – На следующих выходных я собираюсь уехать.
I haven’t gone swimming for six months. – Я не плавал уже шесть месяцев.
I joined the new gym last week. – На прошлой неделе я пошел в спортзал.

Exercise 9. In pairs, use the ideas to talk about your childhood, as in the example. Use your own ideas as well.
Упражнение 9. Испoльзуя предложенные фразы, постройте диалоги о вашем детстве. Начало диалога дано.

• live in the countryside • play in the park
• ride a bicycle • go to parties • own a pet
• make tree houses • go fishing with your dad

Читайте также:  196 отзывов – Архипова Валерия Андреевна на

A: Did you use to live in the countryside when you were a child?
D: No, I didn’t, I lived in the city. What about you?
A: I used to live in a small village by the sea.

A: Did you use to live in the countryside when you were a child? – В детстве ты обычно жил в сельской местности?
D: No, I didn’t, I lived in the city. What about you? – Нет. Я жил в городе. Что насчет тебя?
A: I used to live in a small village by the sea. – Я обычно жил в небольшой деревне у моря.

A: Did you use to play in the park when you were a child? – Ты в детстве обычно играл в парке?
B: Yes, I did. We had many parks in our neighbourhood. How about you? – Да. В нашем районе у нас было много парков. Как насчет тебя?
A: There were no parks near my house, so I used to play in the schoolyard. – Возле моего дома не было парков, поэтому я обычно играл в школьном дворе.

A: Did you use to ride a bicycle when you were a child? – Ты в детстве катался на велосипеде?
B: Yes, I did. How about you? – Да. Как насчет тебя?
A: Well, I did until it was stolen, and I didn’t get a new one until much later. – Да, пока его не украли, и у меня долгое время не было другого.

A: Did you use to go to parties when you were a child? – Ты обычно ходил на вечеринки в детстве?
B: Yes, I did. There was a party nearly every weekend. How about you? – Да. Почти каждые выходные устраивалась вечеринка. Как насчет тебя?
A: Oh, once in a while someone would have a party. – Ну, иногда кто-нибудь устраивал вечеринку.

A: Did you use to own a pet? – У тебя обычно был домашний питомец?
B: No, I didn’t. My mother’s allergic to fur. How about you? – Нет. У моей маме аллергия на мех. Как насчет тебя?
A: I had two dogs and a cat. – У меня были две собаки и кошка.

A: Did you use to make tree houses? – Ты обычно строил шалаш на дереве?
B: No, I didn’t. There weren’t many trees near our house. How about you? – Нет. Возле дома было немного деревьев. Как насчет тебя?
A: We had a tree house in our garden. – У нас был шалаш на дереве в нашем саду.

A: Did you use to go fishing with your dad? – Ты обычно ходил на рыбалку с папой?
B: Yes, I did. We often went on a Sunday. How about you? – Да. Мы часто ходили в воскресенье. Как насчет тебя?
A: We went only once, when we were on holiday in Scotland. – Мы ходили только один раз, когда мы были на отдыхе в Шотландии.

Exercise 10. Choose the correct answer.
Упражнение 10. Выбрать правильный ответ.

1) When John was young, he __ usually walk to school.
A. am used to
В. used to
С. would

2) Anne __ work in a shop, but now she works in a bank.
A. used to
В. would
С. got used to

3) Jenny __ getting up early in the morning.
A. didn’t use to
В. isn’t used to
С. used to

4) I don’t think I’ll ever __ wearing contact lenses.
A. get used to
В. be used to
С. would

5) Although Tim has been living in the city for almost a year, he still __ it.
A. wasn’t used to
В. isn’t used to
С. is used to

6) When Peter was in the army, he __ wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning.
A. was used to
В. got used to
С. would

1) When John was young, he would usually walk to school. – Когда Джон был молодым, то обычно ходил в школу пешком.

2) Anne used to work in a shop, but now she works in a bank. – Раньше Анна работала в магазине, но теперь она работает в банке.

3) Jenny isn’t used to getting up early in the morning. – Дженни не привыкла по утрам рано вставать.

4) I don’t think I’ll ever get used to wearing contact lenses. – Я не думаю, что когда-нибудь привыкну носить контактные линзы.

5) Although Tim has been living in the city for almost a year, he still isn’t used to it. – Хотя Тим прожил уже год в городе, он все еще не привык к нему.

6) When Peter was in the army, he would wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. – Когда Питер был в армии, он обычно просыпался в 6 часов утра.

Unit 26 Grammar

Раскройте скобки, поставив слова в соответствующую форму.

1 Wait! Your bicycle is (faster) than mine!

2 Phew! It’s much (hotter) than it was yesterday, isn’t it?

3 I think you look (prettier) when you wear your hair up.

4 The price of batteries has gone up. They’re a lot (more expensive) than last time.

5 Angus hasn’t been practising the piano and he’s got a lot (worse).

6 His new film is much (more entertaining) than his last one. I loved that one!

7 Tell us another joke — but a (shorter) one this time! That one took forever!

8 I didn’t win the lottery: Maybe I’ll be (luckier) next time.

9 The Russian athlete threw the discus (farther) than all the others and won gold.

10 I think these biscuits are even (nicer) than the last ones you made!

B Исправьте ошибки, изменив форму выделенных слов.

1 We lost the match because we played worse than the other team did.

2 It rains a lot in England, so the countryside is a lot greener than in Greece.

3 You gave Sarah a really small piece of cake — and you’ve given me even less!

4 I must have lost weight. These jeans seem larger than they were before.

5 I got to the party earlier than everyone else, so I had to wait.

6 I hear her new CD is better than her last one. What do you think!

7 Our cat seems to be getting fatter every day — maybe she should go on a diet!

8 I’m disappointed. I think you could have done a lot better on this test.

C Перепишите предложения, используя соответствующую форму слов, данных в рамке.

bad beautiful confident fat happy near (to) short young

1 Joshua is much taller than Alex. Alex is shorter.

5 Bill is thinner than Simon. Simon is fatter.

2 Theresa is more confident than Amy. Amy is a lot less confident.

6 Terry is older than Sarah-Jane. Sarah-Jane is younger.

3 Your house is further from the school than mine. My house is nearer.

7 Patricia is better than her sister on the clarinet. Patricia’s sister is worse.

4 Jude is less happy than Andy about the decision. Andy is happier.

8 The houses here are uglier than in my grandparents’ village. The houses in my grandparents’ village are more beautiful.

Comparative or superlative. 21 is the
1. This is
(fancy) dress I own. In my opinion, a deer moves
— (graceful) of all the animals. The politician spoke
(loud) than was
necessary. When we travel, my suitcase is always
(heavy) than my husband’s. January is
_(cold) month of the year. Mrs. Pedrido speaks. than her husband, but her daughter speaks
(fluent) of the whole family. December
_(short) day of the year. It is —
(short) than any other. Andrew is
(fast) runner on the team. This apartment is –
(convenient) of all the
apartments I have seen. Annie usually gets up –
(early) than her sister. Max finished the
(fast) than anyone else in the class. A turtle moves
(slow) than a rabbit. Bonnie works_
(hard) of all the employees
in the office. This book is
(interesting) than the one I read last week. Daniel drives
(careful) than his father. Judy goes to the library
(often) than I do. That gold necklace is
(expensive) one in the whole store. This is
(bad) movie I have ever seen. Shaun sings even_
than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has
(beautiful) voice I’ve ever

1. the fanciest

2. the most gracefully

5. the coldest

6. more fluently/the most fluently

8. the fastest runner IN the team.

9. the most convenient

13. the hardest

14. more interesting

15. more carefully

16. oftener/more often

17. the most expensive

18. the most beautiful

19. worse./the most beautiful

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