ГДЗ по Английскому языку 5‐9 класс Сборник упражнений ГолицынскийБ Базовый и углубленный уровень Английский для школьников

Гдз по английскому языку 5‐9 класс грамматика: сборник упражнений, 8-е издание голицынский ю.б базовый и углубленный уровень

Начало обучения в средней школе является переломным моментом в жизни ребёнка, так как это смена привычного образа повседневности. Из начальной школы ученик младшего школьного возраста переходит в среднюю, незнакомые учителя, и как следствие не один, а несколько, новые одноклассники, предметы и домашние задания. Но не стоит бояться трудностей, так как с ГДЗ по английскому языку за 5-9 класс Голицинский учиться будет легче.

Иностранный язык — очень нужный предмет в наше время! В веке информационных технологий интерфейс многих компьютеров и различной техники запрограммирован на английском, большинство людей разговаривают на нем и, не зная элементарных слов и правил, будет не только не удобно, но и стыдно! Знание различных тем позволит школьнику освоить основу английской грамматики, а также он сможет чётко выразить свои мысли, понимать речь на слух и участвовать в диалоге, либо дискуссии.

С каждым годом учиться все трудней для школьника, а переход в среднюю школу означает, что спрос на качество выполнения возрастет, и если в начальной могли сделать какие-либо послабления, то в новом школьном звене предстоит себя проявить как ответственный и прилежный ученик. Положительные стороны пособия по английскому языку за 5-9 класс Голицинского:

  • решебник служит наглядным примером или образцом для выполнения аналогичного домашнего задания;
  • издание помогает обучающимся самим проверять домашние задания;
  • многие родители не знают изучаемого их детьми иностранного языка, поэтому проверять домашние задания детей им очень сложно, справится с этой трудностью также поможет дополнительное пособие.

Вот мы и разобрали основные плюсы решебника, и запомните, необдуманно списывать очень плохо и это негативно влияет на успеваемость.

Гдз по английскому языку 5‐9 класс сборник упражнений голицынскийб базовый и углубленный уровень английский для школьников

Полный комплекс ответов на сборник упражнений 5-11 класса по грамматике английского языка седьмого издания вы найдете в решебнике Голицынского Ю.Б и его верной помощнице Голицынской Н.А. Их сборник ГДЗ по английскому языку за 5 класс Голицынский предоставит решения заданий ко всем разделам английской грамматике. Благодаря такому изданию, вы качественно и быстро освоите основные грамматические формы и выработаете стратегию по их применению.

Необходимы ГДЗ:

1. непосредственно самим школьникам, которые хотят досконально, полно и эффективно проработать различные упражнения по всей грамматике и надолго отложить в памяти полученную информацию;

2. также для взрослых, начавших изучать иностранный язык, такое пособие будет очень полезным в качестве учебно-справочного материала;

3. родителям, которые хотят контролировать учебный процесс ребёнка и постоянно проверяют его выполнение домашнего задания;

4. часто и молодым педагогам, которые смогут подобрать для своей практической деятельности достаточное количество необходимых упражнений.

В решебнике вы найдете ключи к упражнениям на использование артиклей, различных существительных и местоимений(some, any, no, every), а также и их производные (Much, many, (a) little, (a) few) . Читатели без труда освоят навыки нахождения степени сравнения прилагательных. Научатся употреблять предлоги и времена.

Не меньше усилий авторы приложили и для решения заданий по темам Passive Voice, показали суть согласования времен и разобрали всю косвенную речь. Не остались без внимания и инфинитивы, причастия и герундии. Здесь дана полная расшифровка таких понятий, как сложное дополнение (Complex Object) и сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) . Решены упражнения на пассивного состояние и модальные глаголы.
Далее следует разбор раздела, касающегося контрольных упражнений, который помогает полностью систематизировать полученную информацию. Для лучшего восприятия материала в конце пособия располагается англо-русский и русско-английский словари.
Каждое из 570 упражнений досконально проработано, решено согласно предоставляемым требованиям школьной программы. Решения некоторых пунктов из заданий авторы обеспечили дополнительными комментариями и дополнениями. Материал, предоставленный в сборнике готовых ответов, подходит, как для базовых общеобразовательных школ, так и школ с углубленным изучением иностранного языка.

Ключи к упражнениям 150- 200. шестое издание

Ю. Б. Голицынский

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Решебник c ответами на упражнение к голицынскому – практическая сторона изучения

Для того чтобы говорить на английском языке, не достаточно выучить правила и слова. Нужно уметь применять их на практике. Оттого в учебниках приводятся многочисленные упражнения, выполнить которые легко и без ошибок под силу далеко не каждому.

 Что делать, если способностей к языкам у вас нет? Открывать ГДЗ по английскому языку за 5-9 класс Голицинский, разбирать упражнения, запоминать алгоритмы и использовать их. Тем более, что онлайн-сборник предлагает выполненные упражнения по темам:

  • определенные и неопределенные артикли;
  • существительные, прилагательные, местоимения;
  • времена глагола в пассивном и активном залоге;
  • согласование времен и косвенная речь;
  • предлоги и их использование в речи;
  • инфинитив и герундий;
  • сложное дополнение и сложное подлежащее;
  • модальные глаголы;
  • условные предложения и сослагательное наклонение.

Если вы нашли нужное упражнение, не стоит ограничиваться копированием его в тетрадь. Рассмотрите особенности использования герундия, расстановки предлогов, согласования времен. Если регулярно выполнять домашнюю работу в таком контексте, то можно выучить язык в школе без репетиторов и дополнительных занятий.

Решебник по английскому языку галицынский – самостоятельное изучение грамматики

Бывают случаи, когда родители имеют недостаточный уровень владения английским языком, а школьник не разобрался в классе с тем, как использовать то или иное правило.

Выход есть – решебник по английскому языку за 5-9 класс Голицинский. Сборник готовых домашних заданий будет полезен для родителей, которые желают следить за успеваемостью своих детей, а также для учащихся, желающих самостоятельно разобраться в практике применения английской грамматики.

Наш сайт обеспечен удобной функцией интеллектуального поиска: достаточно вбить в поисковую строку номер задания или часть условия по нему – и система выдаст перечень, из которого можно будет выбрать подходящий вариант.

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Преимущества использования нашего сайта очевидны:

  1. Интеллектуальный поиск способствует эффективной экономии времени;
  2. Универсальность ресурса состоит в возможности его использования с любого электронного гаджета – ПК, ноутбука, планшета;
  3. Наличие актуальных версий решебников, соответствующих учебным пособиям. Используемым в общеобразовательных школах.

Упражнение 158

1. What’s your name? — My name is Ann. 2. What’s your address? — My address is 45 Oxford Street. 3. Where are you from? — I’m from London. 4. Who is he (in this photograph?) — He is my father. 5. What is his name? — His name is John. 6. Where is he? — He is in London. 7.

I am Lena and this is Nick. He is my brother. He is ten (years old) and I am twelve (years old). We are from St. Petersburg. 8. I am a pupil. I am at school. 9. My brother is a painter. He is not an en­gineer. 10. My sister is at work. She is a doctor. 11.

He is a student. 12. Are you a student? — No, I am a doctor. 13. My sister is at home. 14. We are not at school. We are at home. 15. My brother is a pupil. He is at school. 16. Is your mother at home? — No, she is at work. 17. Is your cousin at home?

— No, he is at school. He is a pupil. 18. Is your sister a teacher? — No, she is a student. 19. Is your father at work? — No, he is at home. 20. Is your sister a typist? — Yes, she is. — Is she at home? — No, she is at work. 21. My grandfather is a scientist. 22. My mother is not a teacher. She is a doctor. She is a very good doctor.

Упражнение 192

1. He will do his English exercises if he doesn’t have anything to do. 2. If I don’t help him, he will not write his paper tomorrow. 3. He will not go to the library tonight. 4. If he does not go to the library, he will beat home. 5. We shall be at home tomorrow. 6.

If we are at home tomorrow, we shall see this programme on TV. 7. She will not be at home tomorrow. 8. If she is not at home tomorrow, leave a message for her. 9. Tomorrow the weather will be fine. 10. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall go to the country. 11.

When she comes to school, she takes off her coat. 12. When she comes to school, she will take of f her coat. 13. As soon as he remembers this funny scene, he begins laughing. 14. As soon as he remembers this funny scene, he will begin laughing. 15. I shall come home at six o’clock. 16.

When I come home, I shall ring you up. 17. She will ring us up in the evening. 18. If she rings you up, ask her to bring me the book. 19. I shall see Tom tomorrow. 20. As soon as I see Tom, I shall tell him about it. 21. I shall go to Paris next week. 22. Before I go to Paris, I shall ring you up.


Упражнение 253

1. a) She is still studying Spanish. b) She has already been studying Spanish for two years.

2. a) They are still living in the country. b) They have already been living in the country for four months.

3. a) She is still speaking on the phone. b) She has already been speaking on the phone for twenty minutes.

4. a) My brother is still solving this difficult problem. b) He has already been solving this problem for half an hour.

5. a) She is still writing a letter to her grandmother. b) She has already been writing this letter for an hour.

6. a) They are still fishing. b) They have been fishing for five hours already.

7. a) My grandparents are still playing lotto. b) They have been playing lotto for two hours already.

8. a) They are still arguing. b) They have been arguing for two hours already.

9. a) She is still sleeping. b) She has already been sleeping for two hours.

10. a) He is still doing his homework. b) He has been doing his homework for three hours already.

11. a) The boys are still playing football. b) They have already been playing football for forty minutes.

12. a) The girls are still changing their clothes. b) They have already been changing their clothes for half an hour.

13. a) The actors and actresses are still rehearsing this scene. b) They have been rehearsing this scene for three hours already.

14. a) The children are still running in the yard. b) They have been running in the yard for three hours already.

15. a) He is still writing his new book. b) He has already been writing his new book for two years.

16. a) He is still learning Hamlet’s soliloquy by heart. b) He has been learning Hamlet’s soliloquy for two days already.

17. a) We are still redecorating our flat. b) We have already been redecorating our flat for half a month.

Упражнение 254

1. This man is, he writes, he has been writing, he has already written. 2. What have you been doing. 3. She always helps, she has been helping, they have already washed, dusted, they are cooking. 4. He is running, he has been running. 5. What are they doing, they are working, they have been working. 6.

Where is he, he is, he is playing, they have been playing. 7. I live, I have been living. 8. My father works, he has been working. 9. Have you found, I am still looking, I have already been looking, have not yet found. 10. You have been playing. 11.

You have been sleeping. 12. I have been waiting, have not yet received. 13. She has already been doing, she has not yet done. 14. I have been waiting. 15. What are you doing, I am reading, I have been reading, I have already read. 16. I have not heard 17.

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I have just received, I have not yet received. 18. The weather is, the sun has been shining 19. I wind 20. What are you doing, I have been waiting 21. Where are your gloves, I have put. 22. I am staying, I’ve been staying, I am having, I am taking, I’ve already seen, I’ve just taken, which rises, provides. 23. I am going, I am, it is starving, Jane has already fed.

Упражнение 255

1. We have known each other for four years. 2. I have always wanted to study English. 3. Where is Nina? — She has been at home for two hours. 4. Where are the children? — They are still playing in the yard. 5. My brother has been an engineer for three years. 6.

My friend has known English since childhood. 7. I have already been watching you for half an hour. 8. Is your brother still ill? — No, he has already recovered. He has already been studying physics for three days. He wants to get an excellent mark at the examination. 9.

I have wanted to read this book for a long time. 10. I have already been trying to find my old exercise book for twenty minutes. 11. They have already been living in New York for ten years. 12. My aunt is an actress. She has always liked the theatre. 13.

Has your father returned from the North yet? — Yes, he has been at home for two weeks. 14. I have been thinking of it for three days already. 15. My sister drinks white coffee. And I have always preferred black coffee. 16. We are very glad to see you.

We have been waiting for you (for) the whole month. 17. Are you still reading this book? How long have you been reading it? 18. My sister has already been studying music for five years. 19. I have been looking for you the whole evening. Where have you been all the time? 20. They have already been writing the composition for two hours.

Упражнение 272

1. He was happy: he had written an excellent composition. 2. I have been looking for you the whole evening. 3. I suddenly remembered that I had eaten nothing since morning. 4. Luckily, the rain had stopped when we came out. 5. How many years have you been working at this school? 6.

At eleven o’clock we were still working. 7. At eleven o’clock we had already been working for three hours. 8. I have already told you three times that the exercise should (must) be rewritten. 9. I had been reading a whole hour after dinner when father came. 10.

1 shall not come. I shall be writing a composition the whole evening. 11. Where have you been since last Friday? 12. I have been staying with my friends for two weeks already. 13. I had been staying with my friends for two weeks already when I received a (the) letter. 14.

How many days have you been reading this book? 15. Only when she was in the train, she remembered that she had left the book at home. 16. They have been living in this house for five years already. 17. My sister had already been ill for several days when I learnt about it. 18.

Did you know that he had not written the composition? 19. We have not received letters from her for already several months. 20. How many years have you been working at this plant? 21. He had already gone when Lena turned on the radio. 22. I have been working at this problem for three months already. 23. You must (should) rest. You have worked too much today.

Упражнение 282

1. I advised my friend to join a sports club (a health club). 2. I was advised to join a sports club (a health club). 3. I showed the doctor my teeth. 4. I was shown to the doctor. 5. I gave my dog a lump of sugar. 6. I was given soup for dinner. 7. Yesterday I asked the teacher to help me. 8.

Yesterday I was asked to help my classmate. 9. Last summer I taught my sister to swim. 10. Last summer I was taught to swim. 11. Yesterday we were asked a lot of questions at the lesson. 12. I answered all the questions. 13. The teacher gave me a good mark. 14.

At home I was praised. 15. These letters were brought in the morning. 16. My bag was bought last year. 17. These nuts were eaten yesterday. 18. Where did you buy this book? 19. Where was this book bought? 20. When was the dinner cooked? 21. When was the cup broken? 22.

Упражнение 296

1. I was taken to the cinema last week. 2. This work will be finished in time. 3. This house was built in 1960. 4. New children’s books were being sold in that shop when I entered it yesterday. 5. On our way to the station we were joined by a large group of young people. 6.

A school was started in this village by a young teacher. 7. This article is being translated now. 8. «The Forsyte Saga» was written by Galsworthy. 9. This meeting was attended by thousands of people. 10. I have just been interrupted. 11. It has been explained to us (by the teacher). 12.

The light is turned on when it is dark. 13. The students’ translation was finished in time. 14. The dishes were washed (by Helen). 15. Betty’s younger brother was often taken for a walk. 16. Some coffee has been made. 17. Has your dress been ironed yet? 18.

This word was mispronounced. 19. She has been told the truth. 20. We were promised an interesting entertainment. 21. Chalk is used for writing on the blackboard. 22. My work will be finished at about seven o’clock. 23. The door has been opened. 24. The coffee was brought in. 25. His credit card has been lost.

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Упражнение 35

1. The Neva flows into the Gulf of Finland. 2. The Pacific Ocean is very deep. 3. The Urals are not very high. 4. Kazbek is the highest peak of the Caucasus. 5. The Alps are covered with snow. 6. The Shetland Islands are situated to the north of Great Britain. 7.

The USA is the largest country in America. 8. The Crimea is washed by the Black Sea. 9. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. 10. Paris is the capital of France. 11. Lomonosov was born in a small village on the shore of the White Sea. 12. Gogol was born in the Ukraine in 1809. 13.

The Caucasus separates the Black Sea from the Caspian Sea. 14. Europe and America are separated by the Atlantic Ocean. 15. The Baltic Sea is stormy in winter. 16. There are many small islands in the Pacific Ocean. 17. The North Sea separates the British Isles from Europe. 18.

Упражнение 37

1. This is a pen. It is a good pen. The pen is black. It is on the table. 2. I have got a dog. The dog’s name is Spot. He is a big grey dog. The dog is very strong. 3. My friend has a sister. Her name is Ann. The girl is a pupil. 4. We have a picture in the living room.

The picture is very good. It is on the wall. 5. The Irish Sea is between Great Britain and Ireland. 6. There is a map on the wall of the classroom. It is a map of the world. There are many seas and lakes on the map. This is the Mediterranean Sea and that is the Red Sea.

These are the Himalayas. They are the highest mountains in the world. 7. We live in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg is a very large city. It is one of the largest cities in Russia. 8. My brother is a doctor. His flat is in the centre of the city. It is in a new house.

There are three rooms in the flat. The living room is the largest of all. It is a nice light room. There are some pictures on the walls. There is a round table in the middle of the room. There is a sofa at the wall with a large thick carpet in front of it. The study and the bedroom are small, but very comfortable.

Упражнение 39

1. Teckle comes from a very old country on the Nile. It is called Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a beautiful mountainous country. Teckle is a young man. He wants to become an engineer. He is very happy to be a student of St. Petersburg University. He spends a lot of time at the library reading and studying different subjects.

Very often in the evening his new friends and he walk about the city talking about their native countries. 2. Galina lives in the Ukraine. She lives in a small village near Odessa. She is a librarian. In summer she has a lot of work: she takes newspapers and magazines to the people who work in the fields.

Galina wants to enter Moscow University and now she is preparing for the entrance examinations. 3. My friend lives in America. He is a student. He studies history at Harvard University. 4. Every year thousands of students come to Cambridge from overseas to study English. Ilse, a German student, graduated from Cambridge University two years ago. What a talented girl!


Упражнение 48

Russia is such a large country that when it is night in one part of the country, it is day in another part, when it is winter in one part of the country, it is already summer in another. Imagine it is the beginning of May now. It is spring in St. Petersburg.

The weather is fine. It is still cool at night, but it is quite warm in the afternoon. It sometimes rains, but the rain is warm, too. The ground is covered with soft green grass, and the trees are covered with green leaves. But while it is spring in St.

Petersburg, it is still winter in the north of our country at the beginning of May. Here it is cold and sometimes frosty, the rivers and seas are covered with ice. The ice does not melt in some places even in summer. The ground is covered with deep snow.

In the south of our country the weather is quite different. It is already summer in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. It is much warmer than in St. Petersburg. It is sometimes even hot. The sky is usually cloudless and it seldom rains here. People wear summer clothes. they enjoy gardening. You should see their gardens in the summertime — they are beautiful!

Упражнение 50

Once there lived a king. His name was Midas. He had a little daughter. They lived in a beautiful palace with a wonderful garden around it. Now the king was very fond of gold. He loved gold more than anything else in the world. One day, when the king was looking at his gold, a young man appeared before him.

«You are a very rich man, Midas,» said the young man. «Yes,» said the king, «but I would like to be richer. I would like to have a golden touch. I want everything that I touch to turn into gold.» The young man was a magician, and he gave the king the golden touch which he wanted to have.

The king was very happy. He touched a table, and the table became gold. He went into the garden. There were beautiful roses in the garden. He touched the roses, and they also became gold. The king’s daughter, who loved the roses very much, saw it and began to cry.


Часть 2 Глагол to be и все временаЧасть 3 Страдательный залог (Passive Voice), согласование времен, инфинитив, причастие, герундий, Complex Object, Complex Subject, условные предложения, модальные глаголы

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